“I don’t know.” Dad glances around the kitchen, everywhere but in the direction of the camera.

“I’m here, Daddy,” I whisper.

“We miss you, Skylar,” Louisa says, assuming I can hear her. “The house is quiet without you, and I might poison your father before you get back.”

I let out a chuckle, a smile spreading over my face.

“Hopefully, we’ll see each other again soon,” Dad says.

I hope so, too.

Maybe I can ask Renzo? Things aren’t as bad as they used to be, and he might let me see Dad once or twice a week.

They stop talking to me, and while Dad continues to eat, Louisa wipes down the counters.

Watching them, my thoughts turn to my problem.

While Renzo’s out, probably killing someone, I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to do.

Honestly, I’m pissed off with myself. I initiated the kiss, and I didn’t stop him when he took things further.

Nope, I laid back and enjoyed the orgasms.

He didn’t even get off.

I screwed up, and now I don’t know what to do. I feel like shit for leading him on.

I just wanted to make him care enough to let me go. The last thing I want is for him to fall in love with me and get hurt.

Yeah, let’s ignore your emotions because this is all one-sided from Renzo, right?

I try to shove the thought away, not wanting to inspect my feelings because they don’t matter. I’m not going to be that insane captive who falls for her kidnapper.

I hear the elevator doors open, and when I get up so I can go to my room, Renzo snaps, “Sit your ass down.”

I do as he says and keep my eyes on the TV screen.

When I hear him go up the stairs, my gaze darts to his back, and I watch him until he disappears down the hallway.

There’s an unwelcome emotion in my chest, a mixture of strong attraction and sadness, and once again, I ignore it with all my might.

“Who could that be?” I hear Dad say from the live stream, drawing my attention back to the TV.

I watch as he leaves the kitchen and pops up on the other camera with a view of the foyer.

He opens the door, and I don’t recognize the men.

“Can I help?” Dad asks.

“Yes.” One of the men pushes his way into the foyer, and glancing around, he asks, “Are you alone?”

“Hey, you can’t just barge into my house,” Dad snaps.

The man signals with his hand, and two other men head toward the kitchen.

What the hell is happening?

When the man suddenly punches Dad, I jump off the couch and scream, “Renzo!”