Before I kill him too fast, I manage to pull back and roll my shoulders to ease the tension building in them.

“Let’s try this again,” I say. “You supplied a kidney to Dr. Bentall.”

“So fucking what?” he spits as he moves back into a kneeling position, his face torn with pain. “Hah? What does it have to do with you?”

I crouch down until I’m at eye level with him. “Who grabbed Giulio Pirrotta? Who cut him open?”

A bloody smile pulls at Castellanos’ busted lips. “Oh, you mean the boy who cried like a baby? Why do you care?”

“He was my little brother,” I grit out between clenched teeth.

Castellanos’ eyes widen as he realizes he’s not getting out of this alive.

“Your brother?” He shakes his head. “You have no siblings.”

“I fucking adopted him. He was my heir, and you fucking gutted him.” Rage flays me to the bone and strips me of all myself-control. Lunging at the fucker, I force him onto his back and shout, “Hand me a fucking knife!”

Emilio acts quickly, and when he places the knife in my hand, I order, “Hold the fucker down.”

They grab his shoulders, and I move off Castellanos. Pressing the tip of the blade against his side, I shove it slowly into his abdomen.

He lets out an agonizing cry, and with a cruel smile on my face, I say, “Look who’s crying like a baby now, bitch.”

His body trembles from the shock, and his eyes are wide as he finally has the common sense to fear me.

Keeping the blade embedded into his abdomen, I growl, “Who grabbed Giulio?”

“I did,” he hisses. “I fucking gutted him like a meatbag.”

He’s pushing me, so I’ll just kill him.

“Where does The Harvest operate from?” I demand.

Another bloody smile stretches over his face. “We’re everywhere…move from city to city…never in one place… longer than three months.”

Using force, I cut a deep line down to where his pubic hair starts.

The fucker howls like an animal, the sound making a powerful wave of satisfaction fill my soul.

“Who’s your leader?” I ask through gritted teeth.

A humorless chuckle ripples from him. “Montes.”

“Montes fucking who?” I shout.

Castellanos’ eyes lock on me. “Servando…Servando Montes. He’s a…ghost. You’ll never…find him.”

The corner of my mouth lifts. “Don’t underestimate me.”

Pulling the knife out, I shove my fucking hand into his abdomen, grab a fistful of whatever fucking organs I touch first and yank it right out of his body.

His agonizing cry is cut short as his body starts to convulse.

I rise to my feet and watch as he goes into shock, and with his blood dripping from my hands, I savor his last breaths.


After reassuring Dad for the hundredth time I’m okay, I take a step away from him and cross my arms over my chest.