Opening my eyes, I down the rest of the whiskey before saying, “I want him to suffer through the night.”

Chapter 16


I thought I wouldn’t be able to shut an eye, but I ended up passing out. I slept like the dead before waking up in the dark room.

I have no idea what time it is, but seeing as I can’t hear any noises, I assume it’s the middle of the night.

Sitting up on the bed, I glance around the room, and my eyes latch onto a shadowy figure standing in the corner.

I stare at Renzo while draping the covers over my lap and legs.

I have no idea what the man plans to do with me, and it terrifies me.

“Sleep well?” his voice rumbles from the corner.

Unable to speak, I nod.


Minutes of silence follow where he just stares at me, and it rattles the hell out of me.

“You have good instincts,” he suddenly pays me a compliment. “Every time you were in the kitchen, or watching TV, or in your bedroom, and you glanced around thinking you were losing your mind, I was watching you.”

My mouth drops open, and before I can stop myself, I mutter, “That’s not creepy at all. ”

He lets out a chuckle that actually sounds amused.

Taking a chance, I ask, “What are you going to do with me?”

I hear him take a deep breath then he moves, coming closer to me. I climb to my feet and shove the covers onto the bed.

When he stops in front of me, I can make out his features, and I hate that he’s still attractive as hell and hasn’t morphed into the hideous beast he is.

Lifting a hand to my face, he grips my jaw tightly before I can yank away. He leans down until the terrifying thought that he might kiss me zips through my mind, but he stops an inch from my mouth, his eyes boring into mine.

“I’m playing around with a couple of ideas. Want me to run them by you? Maybe you can help me decide what to do with you.”

My body starts to tremble again, and I swallow hard on the fear this man makes me feel.

His thumb brushes over my jaw, then his hand slips down to my throat, and his fingers clamp tightly around my neck.

“At first, I fantasized about crushing your windpipe and watching you gasp for air until I squeezed the last air from your lungs.”


“But that means you’ll be dead. I won’t be able to torture you anymore.”

Again, I swallow hard, and I know he feels it.

He lets go of my neck and shoves his hands into his pockets. “I might keep you locked in this room for the rest of your life.”

That will be hell. I’d rather die.

The corner of his mouth lifts. “What do you think I should do with you?”

My tongue darts out to wet my lips, and I shake my head. “You don’t give a shit about what I think.”