Dropping the bat to the floor, I mutter, “Clean up the mess.”

Leaving the room, I take the steps down and head to the restroom, where I wash my hands and splash water on my face. When my eyes lock on my reflection in the mirror, all I see is the rage carved into my features. My breaths fall heavy over my lips, and I focus on slowing them down.

After I’m done drying my hands, I go to the office where Elio’s working. He’s been taking care of everything while I’ve been hunting leads.

When I enter the office, Elio’s on a call. I take a seat on the couch, and pulling my phone from my pocket, I dial Dario’s number.

“I just saw the email,” he answers.

I exhale a tired sigh. “It should lead us to whoever set up the deal with Davies.”

“I’ll let you know when I find out anything.”

“Thanks, brother.”

“How are you holding up?” he asks.

I’m not, and I’m getting fucking tired of everyone constantly asking me how I’m doing.

Every lead I chase delivers nothing of substance we can use to find whoever’s behind the trafficking of organs.

Joe, the fucker we caught in the alley, couldn’t get any information, and after his seventy-two hours were up, I had Carlo kill him.

“I’m fine,” I mutter, my tone laced with impatience.

“I got the cameras you asked for. Want to swing by and get them?”

“I’ll be there in an hour.”

We end the call, and I listen as Elio negotiates terms for a shipment of Uzis with the Yakuza.

When he finally puts his phone down, he mutters, “Fucking bastards. I’m tired of them always trying to negotiate a discount.”

He looks exhausted.

“Are you okay handling the workload? I can get Carlo to help out.”

He shakes his head. “I’ll manage.”

“Thank you.” My words have his eyes flicking to mine. “I wouldn’t be able to do this without you.”

Letting out a deep breath, he nods before asking, “Did you get anything from the fucker?”

“An email address. I’ve sent it to Dario.”

The corner of Elio’s mouth lifts. “Good.” His gaze narrows on my face. “What are you doing about the doctor and the Davies family?”

“I’ll deal with them soon.” Climbing to my feet, I leave the office and give Vincenzo and Fabrizio a chin lift so they know we’re heading out.

They’re busy cleaning their guns and quickly assemble the weapons before jogging to catch up with me.

“Where to, boss?” Vincenzo asks.

“Dario’s place.”

I climb into the back of the Bentley and pull my phone from my pocket again. Bringing up the photo I took of Skylar Davies, I stare at the woman.

I haven’t seen her since I left the message in the notepad for her.