I hear the elevator door slide open again, and glancing over my shoulder, I see another couple with a toddler coming in. The woman’s heavily pregnant and has a sweet smile on her face.

“Finally,” Renzo says. “We were about to start without you.”

Everyone greets the couple, and it takes a minute or so before Renzo says, “Skylar, this is Angelo and Vittoria.”

“Nice to meet you,” I say before asking, “Can I get anyone something to drink?”

“Tori and I will have soda,” Samantha answers.

“Tori, is that what I should call you?” I ask Vittoria as I walk to the fridge to get the sodas.

“Please. Only the men call me Vittoria.”

I pour the cans of soda into glasses before handing them to Samantha and Tori.

We take a seat at the island, and the men come to help themselves to the food before they head to the dining table.

“Are you getting any sleep?” Tori asks Samantha.

I glance at Renzo and watch as he lets out a burst of laughter at something Franco said.

“Yes, they’re finally getting into a routine,” I hear Samantha answer.

Turning my attention back to the women, I ask, “How did you meet your husbands?”

Samantha lets out a chuckle. “I used to be Franco’s PA.”

“I didn’t actually know much about Angelo when we got married,” Tori says, making my eyebrows shoot into my hairline. “It was kind of a forced marriage situation. My stepbrother owed him money, and I was the payment.”

My jaw practically drops to the floor. “You’re kidding, right?”

She lets out a chuckle. “No, I’m not, but I learned to love him. He’s an amazing man.”

I think I still hold the trophy for the weirdest way to meet the love of your life.

“How did you and Renzo meet,” Tori asks.

Samantha places her hand on Tori’s arm and shakes her head while saying, “It’s too soon for that question. I’m sure Skylar doesn’t want to talk about it yet.”

I give Samantha a thankful smile, then say, “Help yourselves to food.”

“Oh yes!” Samantha exclaims before getting up to load a plate for herself.

I glance at Renzo again and catch him staring at me with a soft smile tugging at his lips.

“Yep, the fucker is in love,” Franco mutters.

Renzo looks at his friend, then says, “You fell first, brother.”

I watch the men banter and argue as they start a poker game, then turn my attention back to Samantha and Tori.

This get-together feels refreshing, and with a little luck, I can become friends with the women.

Chapter 41


When Fabricio brings the Bentley to a stop at the cemetery, I open the door and climb out. Walking around the back of the car, I wait for Skylar before I take hold of her hand.