She silently cursed every single word of profanity she knew. And voiced some of them, too. Rafe, however, merely reached over to his pants. The very ones she’d shimmied off him, and he fumbled through his pocket to locate his wallet.
And a condom.
Bree wanted to cheer, and she might have accomplished it, too, but Rafe was damn fast in getting that condom on. In practically the same motion, he caught onto her hips and slipped that hard-on right into her.
The world exploded in her head.
Just as the fire exploded in her body.
She didn’t care a flying fig what had set this moment into motion. Nope, didn’t care. Those long, clever, hard strokes took her to the only place she wanted to go.
Rafe pushed her legs farther apart, buried himself to the hilt, and then did it all over again. He wasn’t gentle. Thank God. He was Rafe, and that made this perfect.
Bree arched her back, moving into the strokes. Sliding against every hard inch of him. It wouldn’t last long, never could, but when she looked into his eyes, she realized she could have him all over again.
She kissed him when she felt the pleasure spike. Kissed him again when she was sure she could take no more.
Then, she took more.
Rafe slowed just enough to stretch out the moments, and then with just as much control, he finished her. The climax wracked through her. Through every part of her, and she thrust her hips forward to finish off Rafe as well.
Yeah, it was perfect, all right.
Rafe Cross had totally lived up to her expectations.
They collapsed against each other, her head landing on his shoulder, and they stayed that way while leveling their breaths and coming back down to earth. Bree wasn’t sure she wanted to come back down though.
Her bruises had a different notion about that.
As the sex haze slowly slipped away, her aches and pains certainly made themselves known, and judging from the wince she felt Rafe make, he was experiencing pretty much the same. Added to that, her stomach growled.
Rafe chuckled. “We never did get around to eating.” He looked at her, and she braced herself for him to say this shouldn’t have happened.
He didn’t.
Instead, he kissed her. It was slow, so slow, like sinking into something warm and wonderful. Not a kiss meant to reignite the flames. But it sort of did that. Yeah, this was Rafe.
After a very thorough kiss, he pulled back and smiled. Definitely no apology. “Let me make a pitstop in the bathroom, and then we can eat.”
Her stomach liked that idea though it was her eyes that got a treat when she watched a naked Rafe make his way to the bathroom. A treat, followed by a glimpse of a scar that ran from the back of his shoulder nearly to his waist. It was well healed, but she had to wonder how he’d gotten it. Wondered, too, if it had something to do with the lieutenant who’d been killed.
And the reason Rafe had left the military.
No way would she ask about it, but Bree was hoping that one day he’d tell her. For that to happen though, there would have to be other naked encounters like this. Hopefully, more sex, too, when they weren’t slammed with a murder investigation.
She considered just sitting there, waiting for his return. That way, she’d see more of his body. But after another growl of her stomach, Bree decided it was best to be clothed when they ate. It would be way too distracting to try to do that in the nude, and they really did need to eat.
Bree got up from the floor, cursing those bruises and the stitches that were making themselves known, and she was almost completely dressed by the time Rafe came back into the living room. She smiled because she definitely got round two of the peep show.
She went to him, kissed him. and might have started up a round two of making out, but he looked at her with eyes that had taken on a serious edge.
“I got the scar when I was trying to save Ellie,” he said.
Bree nodded. But didn’t speak. She hoped he knew her silence meant he didn’t have to continue.
He did though.
“There was a second explosion,” he added, “and both Ellie and I were hit with, well, all kinds of stuff. Nails, rocks, shrapnel,parts of a building. You name it.” He paused. “Ellie regained consciousness for just a moment. A moment,” he repeated in a mutter.