“What’s up with you two?” Diego asked the moment Alex was out of sight. “You’re acting weird around each other. Did you guys have sex last night?”
“NO!” Taken off guard, I spoke a little too loud. A few heads turned in my direction to see what was going on.
“Then what the fuck happened? I can’t get anything out of Alex.”
“That’s because there’s nothing to tell.” Sipping my coffee, I closed my eyes in attempt to stop the thudding inside my head.
“What about this David guy, then?”
“He wants me back.” Diego spat his orange juice all over the table. “To work for him. Not inthatway.”
“Are you going to?”
“No. There’s nothing for me to go back to.”
“But you still love him?” I did, but those feelings were fading. Someone else was slowly clouding my mind, and that terrified me. Falling for Alex Harbour would destroy me. He wasn't someone you could pin your hopes on—I knew that—but it was too late. With each passing day I fell a little more for him. “Nat, do you still love him?” Diego asked again, touching my arm.
“Yes,” I whispered as tears trickled down my face. They weren’t for David, though.
“Oh, Baby Cakes, come here.” Diego rushed around to my side of the table and threw his arms around me as I sobbed uncontrollably. What the hell was wrong with me? I didn’t cry in public.
I freshened up in my room before meeting everyone outside the back of the hotel. It was safer for Alex than leaving through the front entrance. Security could handle the crowds better. Now that he’d been staying there for a few days, the word had gotten out and the crowds had more than doubled.
At that moment, it dawned on me that I was falling for a worldwide icon. What was I thinking? I’d never be enough to hold him.
“You don’t have to come if you’re still not feeling up to it.” Alex took me by surprise, touching the side of my face as the cars pulled up. “Taking a few days off isn’t a bad idea. You haven’t stopped since you arrived.”
“I like to stay busy,” I smiled, getting into the front of the car. Being in the backseat with him wasn’t a good idea right then. It would be better once we were on set. I’d be too busy running around after him to feel uncomfortable.
Maddison wasn’t going to be on set until the afternoon, which I was grateful for. Another confrontation with her wasn’t what I needed.
I sat at the side of the set and watched Alex drive his motorcycle around. He was all in leather today, and looked rough and ready. The man was a walking orgasm.
“How did Maddison get the female lead on this shoot?” I asked him at lunch. After eight bottles of water, I was feeling much better. The pain in my head had gone from a constant throbbing to a dull ache.
“I did it as a favor.” My heart sank. Maybe there was more between them than I thought. “She’s very talented. We’ve hooked up a few times over the years, so I knew she never got her big break.”
“Oh, sothat’swhy you put her through to the interview stages for my job,” I chuckled.
“I didn’t know her modeling career was taking off when I did that. Anyway, the director asked if I had any fresh names and she came to mind.”
“Was she a groupie when you firsthookedup?”
“Not really, but itwasat an after party. She came with one of my band members.”
“Are there many women that you’ve hooked up with more than once?”
“Yes,” he frowned. “There are quite a few. Why do you ask?”
“I’m just curious about the life of a rock star,” I muttered, playing with my food.
“Are you now? Are you thinking of becoming one?”
“No,” I giggle-snorted. It was a little embarrassing. “I can’t sing or play an instrument, for that matter.”
“I could teach you.”
“To sing? You’d need a miracle.”