Page 39 of Flagrant

Chapter 20


It was Super Bowl weekend, and the big game was tomorrow. Orion was out of town, visiting Raven King and getting ready to watch the game live. While I’d been invited, that wasn’t how I wanted to meet Orion’s family. Plus, it was too early. Yeah, our night together had been incredible, but common sense had prevailed the next morning, and one night of amazing sex didn’t equate to serious enough to meet the entire family.

Besides, I was still feeling salty about Raven King knocking out my Hawks, so I thought it’d be best to meet him later. According to Orion, Raven and his fiancé were getting married at the end of this month, and that was another thing that was going to keep them busy. While it wasn’t going to be a big wedding, it was still going to be an intimate occasion that didn’t need Orion’s latest piece in attendance.

“At this rate, I think naming your first child after me is warranted.”

I looked over at Harley. “This is the last game of the season,” I reminded him.

“Yeah, until the draft,” he snorted. “You get feral over the draft, too.”

“I do not get feral,” I denied. “I get passionate.”

He shot me a look from across the couch. “If you watched college football, I’m pretty sure that we wouldn’t be friends.”

“Why are you giving me shit?” I asked, side-eyeing him. “I went out with Orion Knight, didn’t I? I thought you’d be happy with that latest development.”

“I am,” he insisted. “But I think it’s going to take more than one night to curb that insane football fetish that you have.”

I grinned. “Someone’s cranky.”

“Vany’s stressing me out,” he admitted. “She’s still…paranoid about you knowing.”

“I noticed,” I winced. “She’s been avoiding me at work.”

“I keep telling her that you’d never betray me, but she’s still flipping out about it.”

“How long does she plan on keeping you guys a secret?” I asked. “I mean-”

“No, I know what you mean,” he sighed. “Honestly? I don’t know. I think that’s adding to the stress.”

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled. “I never should have-”

“Don’t do that,” he ordered, cutting me off again. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Yeah, but I still feel bad.”

“All Vany has to do is disclose to her boss,” he pointed out. “I could also transfer, but she gets pissed off every time I mention it.”

“What are you planning on doing about it?”

Harley shook his head. “I care about her a lot,” he replied. “But if she doesn’t make a decision soon, then I’m going to have to move on. While I understand her concerns, I won’t be anyone’s dirty secret. If she’s serious about us, then she needs to bite the bullet.”

“There’s nothing wrong with taking things slow,” I muttered softly.

My best friend just eyed me. “Is that what you’re doing?”

“I have no idea what I’m doing,” I admitted. “I’m liking Orion Knight a lot more than I thought I ever would, but…but he’s still Orion freakin’ Knight.”

“I thought you said he was pretty much perfect.”

Like all best friends, as soon as Orion had left me the next day, I had called Harley to tell him all the gossip. While I’d been classy enough to leave out the sexual details, I had dished about everything else. Harley had scolded me about sabotaging the date, which had been well-deserved, but that had been the only lecture. The rest of the conversation had been congratulations.

“He is,” I replied. “I just…even without my loathing for basketball, I honestly don’t know how well I can handle the fame if we get serious.”

“The guy told you that you were his girlfriend, and that he was going to explain you as being just that,” Harley reminded me. “I think that you can consider things already serious, Sin.”