Page 27 of Flagrant

“I’ll make you a deal,” he said. “Go on one date with Orion, and if it doesn’t work out, then I’ll keep my mouth shut about your aversion to basketball players, and I’ll even support your football addiction.”


“Right?” he chuckled. “Don’t ever say that I’m never there for you.”

“Okay, well…I’m going to head out-”

“Sin, you don’t have to do that,” Harley said graciously. “You can stay.”

“Yeah, no,” I chuckled. “This shit is awkward enough as it is.” I pulled out of his arms, then turned to look at him. “I promise I won’t say anything. Please let her know that.””

Harley nodded. “I will.”

I grinned. “I really am happy for you, Harls.”

“I know you are,” he replied as he tucked some loose strands of my hair behind my ear. “I really wanted to tell you when it happened.”

“No, I get it,” I assured him. “Protecting her privacy is more important than dishing dirt. I can see the priority.” I eyed him. “How long are you going to allow her to keep you a secret?”

“Not much longer,” he answered, making me smile wider. “She knows it, too.”

“Well, not that you need it, but you have my full support,” I announced like a dork.

“I always need your support,” he said, winking at me.

An hour later, I was back home, feeling both relieved and anxious at the same time. It was easy to talk a big game, it was quite another to actually put myself out there for real, no drill or practice runs. Orion Knight wanted to go out with me, and I knew that our date was going to be splashed all over the internet the next morning; that’s how famous he was. Especially, with Raven King and Sebastian Havoc settling down, I could see the media making a big deal about it.

Still, I was tired of being a coward.

Chapter 15


Two wins, and I found myself not caring about them. It was Monday morning, and this was my last session with Sinclair. After today, I would be reevaluated by the team doctor, and he was going to be the one to determine where I go from here. This was my last chance to get Sinclair to go out on a date with me, and I felt like I’d had when I had first set foot on an NBA court.

“I need another set of lateral raises,” Sinclair ordered. “Then we can move into external and internal torso rotations.”

“This is our last session together.”

Sinclair’s hands froze as she looked up at me. “Huh?”

“This is our last session together,” I repeated. “I see the doctor this afternoon.”

She eyed me, looking a bit confused. “I’m aware.”

Fuck it.

I grabbed her by her hips again, then yanked her towards me. “Go out with me.”

Her entire face softened. “Orion-”

“Just one date,” I practically begged. “If you don’t have a good time, then I won’t ask you out on another one.”

She looked skeptical. “You’ll leave me alone?”

I shook my head. “I never said that. I just said that I won’t ask you out on another date. We’ll figure out something else.”

Sinclair shook her head, but her lips were twitching as she did. “You’re something else, I swear.”