Page 25 of Flagrant

“If it doesn’t work, then we can ask Nova what she thinks,” I added. “Women are better at this shit than we are.”

“Ain’t it the truth,” I sighed.

“It is,” Sebastian went on. “It really is.”

Chapter 14


Iwas banging on the door like I was S.W.A.T., ready to break it down, but I was desperate, and Harley wasn’t answering my calls or texts. Yeah, the man had the right to take the night off from best friend duties, but this was an emergency damn it.

“Harley, I know you’re in there!” I yelled, my fist pounding on the door. “I need to talk to you!”

When the door finally swung open, Harley looked ruffled and wide-eyed, a pair of low-riding sweats the only thing on his body. Yeah, it could be considered late by many people’s standards, but Harley and I didn’t have curfew restrictions on our friendship.

“What the hell, Sin?”

I shouldered my way past him, stomping into his living room like I owned the place. “I’m in a crisis, and you weren’t answering your phone,” I explained.


“I need some advice and-uhm…oh…”

I could only imagine how wide my eyes were as I noticed Vany hiding behind the hallway, peeking out to see what the hell was going on. She was dressed in a t-shirt only, and by the way that it hung to her knees, I’d say that it was Harley’s shirt.

Holy shit.

“Uhm…yeah…I’ll just come back-”

“Sit your ass down,” Harley ordered.

“Uhm…okay,” I muttered as I went to go sit on the couch.

I inwardly winced when I heard Harley call out, “It’s okay. I’ll be there in a bit, babe.”

As soon as Harley joined me on the couch, my mouth dropped open. “What in the hell, Harls?”

“She didn’t want anyone to know,” he said. “She’s my supervisor, and her ethics could be called into question if someone wanted to get stupid about it.”

“How long as it been going on?”

“Three months.”

My eyes popped, my mouth dropping even further. “Threemonths?”

Harley let out a sigh. “It kind of just happened one night when we ran into each other at one of those live mic nights,” he explained. “We had a really good time, and…” He shrugged. “Well, it kind of just went from there.”

“I’m not sure if my feelings are hurt or not,” I muttered honestly.

His lips twitched. “I trust you with my life, Sin,” he said. “But Vany asked that I not tell anyone, and it’d be a douchebag move to not respect her request and reasons why, and then keep sleeping with her.”

“No, no…I get that,” I agreed. “I just…is it serious?”

Harley nodded. “It is for me.”

That made my heart sink. “Not her?”

“I think it is,” he replied. “I just think she’s trying to find a way to divulge our relationship and still keep her job. This isn’t easy for her.”