Page 20 of Flagrant

“No,” she clipped out. “And I have no plans on dating one now.”

“Just one date,” I practically begged.

“No,” she said again, stressing the one syllable to make sure that I understood it this time.

“I’ll let you spend the entire time telling me why basketball players suck,” I offered.


“Why not?”

“How do you know that I don’t have a boyfriend?” she posed.

“You said that he was your best friend,” I reminded her.

“That doesn’t mean that I don’t have a boyfriend,” she pointed out. “Maybe he’s in the military and out on leave.”

“Which would make sense,” I said, the words flying out of my mouth of their own accord.

“How about you go eat a dick?”

“Just one date,” I said again. “Just one.”

“While your counting skills are unmatched, the answer is still no.”

I wanted to reach for her hips so damn badly. However, I knew that if I touched her without her permission, she’d slice me to smithereens. With a mouth like hers, I had no doubt that she wouldn’t hesitate to throw a punch if she felt like she needed to. There was a fine line between crazy and institutional, and I honestly had no idea which side of the line Sinclair stood on.

Going for honesty, I said, “I want to get to know you better.”

“No, you don’t,” she scoffed. “For whatever reason, I’ve touched on your competitive nature, and you can’t stand that your fame, money, charm, and good looks aren’t helping you win this thing.”

“You think I’m good-looking?”

Sinclair rolled her eyes. “Either get serious about your shoulder, or else I am calling Vany to tell her to assign you someone else.”

Knowing that she was right, I said, “Fine. Let’s work on the shoulder.”

“I mean it, Mr. Knight,” she said sternly. “I will not let you waste my time when other patients are more deserving.”

“You win,” I told her, surrendering for now. “We’ll do it your way.”

For the next half hour, Sinclair assessed my shoulder, took notes, asked every question under the sun, then poked and prodded around some more. I was super impressed by her knowledge and her professionalism, and she really did know what she was doing.

When she’d finally gotten around to introducing a plan, she had asked me about my regular workout routine, the exercises I did with the team, and I watched her as she put together a program that wouldn’t disrupt my regular workouts with the team. Her attention to detail made it clear why Vany thought of her as one of their best, and it was clear that I needed to marry her soon. My body was going to be a geriatric mess by the time that I retired, and having a physical therapist for a wife would be a good thing.

After all, something needed to make up for that acidic tongue of hers.

Chapter 12


“Have you been doing your stretches?”

Orion had worked with me for two days before he’d had another game that he’d justhadto play. Yeah, they’d won, but at what cost? While I still believed that a lot of these multi-million-dollar athletes were coddled, the ones that had serious injuries were a stubborn lot. A part of me had wanted to attend the game to check Orion’s shoulder afterwards, but that would have added to the coddling, so I hadn’t. If the man wanted to go against medical advice, that was on him; he was a big boy.

“You didn’t come to the game,” he stated, going off script again.

“I’d rather watch bowling,” I drawled out. “Now, have you been doing your stretches?”