Page 16 of Flagrant

Coach Quincy let out a sigh. “I was going to give you two more games before calling you a dumbass.”

“We’ve got two days before our next game,” I said, the announcement not news to the coach. “I’d like to see someone first thing in the morning.”

He gave me a terse nod. “I’ll make the call right now. Just be sure you show up on time.”

I nodded back as I stood up. “Will do, Coach.”

Leaving him to do his thing, I headed back to the locker room to get my shit before showering. The place was a madhouse for a good hour after a win, and I just wanted to get my shower in, then get the fuck home. Though I was happy as hell and wouldn’t mind celebrating with the team, I needed some ibuprofen more than I needed a beer.

I also needed to quit thinking about a certain brunette.

Chapter 10


It was early Wednesday, and I had two morning appointments and three afternoon ones, which were going to make for a long day. My two morning patients were easy enough, just some minor massage therapy, nothing invasive or taxing. However, my three afternoon patients had real injuries, and an injured athlete could be stressful to deal with at times.

“Change of plans.” I looked up to see Vany walking into my office, her eyes bright with morning cheer, something that was unnatural at six in the morning. “Leandra is taking your two morning patients.”


“An emergency walk-in this morning,” she answered, but that still didn’t make any sense.

“So, why can’t Leandra take the walk-in?”

“Shoulder,” she replied, saying it like that explained everything.


“You’re the best that I have when it comes to joint mobilization and stabilization, Sinclair,” she continued, interrupting me. “You’ve been doing this longer than Leandra, and this patient is important.”

I arched a brow. “Aren’t theyallimportant?”

“Yes, they are,” she agreed as she tossed a new file on my desk. “However, more so when they’re a Devil and on their way to winning back-to-back championships.”

My stomach sank.

A Devil.

“He’s a Devil?” I echoed.

Vany nodded. “Yep.”

I reached for the file, and when I read the name on the tab identifier, my stomachreallydid a number on me then.

O. Knight.

Before I could beg Vany to pick someone else, a large body closed off the doorway to my office. When a pair of dark bedroom eyes met mine, surprise registered in the russet orbs before a sly smirk slithered across a face that belonged on a romance novel cover.

“Good morning,” Orion greeted. “The receptionist instructed me to this office.”

“Good morning, Mr. Knight,” Vany greeted back while I just stared at the clusterfuck before me. “It’s good to see you again.”

I wasn’t surprised that Vany had met Orion before. As one of Coltrane’s supervisors, she met with the team players often, reminding everyone that we were here for them. Though she didn’t work closely with the owners of the NBA teams, she did meet with the coaches and the coaching staff often.

“It’s good to see you,” Orion replied as he shook her hand. “Though I wish it were under better circumstances.”

“Well, Sinclair is one of our best,” Vany said, praising me unnecessarily. “The woman works miracles.”