Page 29 of Flagrant

I yanked her closer to me. “Says who?”

“It’s afirstdate, Orion,” she stressed. “You do realize that, right?”

The more that she talked, the more that this was a lot fucking more than just a first date. Having never dated any athletes before, there was no way that I wasn’t going to change her preconceived notions about what horrible boyfriends that athletes were. While I wouldn’t necessarily view her as a challenge, I could already see her refusing a second date just to fuck with me. I could see her agreeing to our date just to humor me, then dumping me on my ass.

Yeah, no.

“When we’re done here, I’m going social media official and calling you my girlfriend,” I announced, making her blue eyes widen to the size of platters.

“Are you insane?” she screeched. “You can’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’mnotyour girlfriend,” she shot back. “Is the doctor giving you medication that I don’t know about? Because I can’t think of any other reason why you’d be out of your goddamn mind, son.”

My lips twitched. “Did you just call me son?”

“It’s a better word than the other ones that are coming to mind,” she retorted.

Luckily the therapy rooms were private, so I was able to drag her with me towards one of the chairs, and after sitting down, I pulled her in between my spread legs, my hands taking liberties that they didn’t quite have permission to do so just yet.

“I don’t want people getting the wrong idea about you,” I repeated, serious about this.


“There’s also your job to consider,” I pointed out. “It’s not a good look if it starts to look like you’re sleeping around with the patients.”

Her hands flew up to cover her gasp. “Holy shit, I hadn’t even thought of that.” Panic quickly set in. “You’re right. Crap. I can’t go out with you.”

“Whoa, wait,” I said, holding onto her tighter. “I didn’t say all that.”

“But you’re right,” she repeated. “It will ruin my career if-”

“Slow down,” I ordered. “Is there a policy in place that forbids you to date your patients?”

“Well…no, but still,” she sputtered. “I don’t need that kind of reputation-”

“Which is why you’re going to be my girlfriend,” I told her.

“Which is why I’m not going to be youranything,”she shot back, that fire back in her eyes.

“Too late,” I quipped. “You already agreed to the date, and I already agreed to your demands.”

Sinclair’s eyes narrowed. “Free will, Orion. You’ve heard of this, yeah? You’ve heard the phrase?”

I grinned. “Baby, you’re not getting out of this.”

“Quit calling me that,” she grumbled, but her flames weren’t flicking wildly anymore.

“I’m picking you up tomorrow night,” I informed her. “I have a game after that, so I’ll be out of town.” Her eyes narrowed more. “Something that you’re just going to have to get used to.”

“Full disclosure?”

“Do you speak any other way?”

She flipped me off.

“What, baby?”