Page 24 of Flagrant

“No,” he chuckled honestly. “I can’t say that I’ve ever tried to date a chick that hated me.”

“She doesn’t hate me,” I corrected. “She hates athletes.”

“You know that makes no sense, right?”

I let out a deep breath as I ran a hand through my hair. “She’s got me fucked-up, Seb.”

“I can see that,” he replied sympathetically. “Maybe you should call Raven. He might have better advice, considering that Esme hated him for a time there.”

“I don’t want to bother him while he’s prepping for the game,” I muttered.

“The game isn’t until next weekend,” he pointed out. “We can do a morning call.”

“I have my last appointment with her on Monday,” I told him. “I’ll make the call if I can’t get her to go out with me by then.”

“How’s the shoulder?”

“It actually feels a lot better,” I answered. “Those stretches that Sinclair has me doing are really helping. Plus, with the state-of-the-art therapy facility that Coltrane has, the equipment is the best around. Whatever I did to my shoulder, I wasn’t giving my body the time that it needed to heal. So, along with not allowing it to heal, I wasn’t doing anything to maintain the healthy muscle around it, inflaming it all to hell and back.”

“The price we pay for doing the thing that we love most,” Sebastian remarked like an old soul.

“I thought my sister was the thing that you loved most?” I joked.

“Can I admit something to you?” he asked.

“Uhm…depends on what it is,” I answered carefully, not needing to knowanythingabout what Sebastian and Nova got up to privately.

“Sometimes, when I wake up before Nova does, I just sit on the bed and stare at her,” he confessed. “I know it sounds creepy as hell, but…I still find it hard to believe that she’s my wife.” My chest eased with understanding. “I never thought that she’d ever be mine, and now that she is, the thought of losing her terrifies the fuck out of me.”

“My sister loves you, Bast,” I reminded him. “You know that.”

“Yeah, I know,” he sighed. “It’s just…fuck, I look at her, and it’s like…if I’m never able to look at anything else in my life, then I’d be perfectly okay with that. Your sister’s face is my favorite vision, and it will always be my favorite thing in the world.”

“Well, if it’s any consolation, Nova isn’t going anywhere,” I said. “If she wasn’t sure about you, then she never would have married you, Seb. She also sure as fuck wouldn’t be letting you knock her up.”

“Dude, I’m trying,” he grumbled desperately. “I want your sister pregnant more than I want to win another championship.”

“And we’re all rooting for you guys,” I chuckled.

“You’re going to have to do a big gesture.”


“To win your girl,” he clarified. “You’re going to have to do a big gesture.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know,” he drawled out.

“Then what the hell kind of advice is that, Bast?”

“Ask her out on social media or something cheesy like that,” he suggested. “If she sees that you’re putting yourself out there to be humiliated in front of the world if she says no, then maybe she’ll feel like you have a better understanding of her concerns? I don’t know…it might work.”

“Actually, that’s not a bad idea,” I murmured. “It’ll also let all my female fans know that I’m spoken for.”

“That, too.”

“Okay, let me think about it for a bit,” I said. “I still have a game tonight that I need to get ready for.”