Page 23 of Flagrant

As for cameras, they were everywhere already, famous or not. If she thought that she wasn’t in the background of someone’s selfie somewhere in the world, then she was wrong. People had no regard for their surroundings when they were being all about themselves on social media.

The cheating was also some more bullshit. Yeah, athletes didn’t have the best reputations when it came to fidelity, but that didn’t mean that we wereallcheating douchebags. Some guys were actually faithful to their girls, and that should count for something.

Nevertheless, Sinclair wasn’t even willing to give me the chance to prove her wrong. Yeah, there was nothing that I could do about the cameras and traveling, but why in the hell would I want to get myself a girlfriend if my dick still had a thing for all those gutter groupies out there? I’d had my fair share of meaningless sex, so it wasn’t like I was new to this scene or something.

“Are you done?”

“No, I’m not done,” I grumbled like a child.

Sebastian’s sigh could be heard clearly over the phone. “O, if she doesn’t want to go out with you, then I’m not sure there’s much you can do about that.”

While this subject really needed a conference call, the others were too busy right now to include them in my mental breakdown. The only time to catch us all at the same time was early in the morning or very late at night. Granted, late at night was always a hit or miss with Titan because he lived his life between a pair of thighs when he wasn’t on the soccer field. Of course, that all changed with the deal that we’d made with Sebastian, but still. Titan might have slowed down, but he wasn’t being celibate.

“That’s not helping me, Seb,” I pointed out.

“Well, since I don’t want to see you going to prison for kidnapping and false imprisonment, that’s the only advice I have for you,” he countered.

“Look, I don’t know if it was like this for Raven, but…I’m having a hard time just letting her be,” I admitted. “There’s just something…psychotically refreshing about her.”

Sebastian laughed. “I would expect Atlas to find crazy attractive, not you. You’re the calm one.”

“Well, maybe that’s why I find it attractive,” I suggested. “Opposites attract and all.”

“Look, I’m all for love at first sight and fighting for the girl of your dreams,” he said. “However, there’s a fine line between being persistent and getting arrested, Orion.”

“She thinks that baseball and basketball players are pussies,” I informed him.

The guy let out a genuine laugh. “I like her already.”

“No, she’s serious,” I told him. “She’s a football fanatic, and she prefers aggressive sports.”

“Basketball is pretty aggressive, no?”

“Not like it was in the seventies and eighties.”

Sebastian let out a low whistle. “Damn.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“So, she hates basketball, thinks all athletes are cheating assholes, and wants nothing to do with you…does that about sum it up?”


“O, I think you’re going to have to cut your losses on this one,” he advised sadly.

“Says the man that’s been in love with my sister since we were kids,” I snorted.“You’retellingmeto give up already?”

“Your sister wasn’t an athlete-baseball-hating firecracker,” he pointed out. “Besides, Nova already loved me as a friend, if you will recall. It didn’t take much to push her over to the other side.”

“There’s just something about her, Seb,” I told him seriously.

When I had put my hands on Sinclair’s hips, I hadn’t planned that. She’d said that I wasn’t the only one, and even though she hadn’t meant it romantically, something in me had flipped, and I had put my hands on a woman without her permission, something that I hadn’t ever done before. Luckily for me, Sinclair hadn’t wigged out. She had also taken the high road when I had placed her on the massage table, calling her out for lying to me. No matter what she said, she was attracted to me, something that was plain as fucking day.

“She’s attracted to me, Seb,” I said, certain of it.

“So, what’s your plan?” he asked. “To wear her down until she agrees to a date?”

“Do you have a better idea?”