Page 14 of Flagrant

He let out another sigh. “Sin-”

“I’m good,” I lied as I grabbed my purse, throwing down a tip for the waitress because this shitshow wasn’t her fault.

“We can watch the rest of the game at my place,” he offered, signing up for a really long night.

Ignoring him, I turned back to the three giants looking at me like I was about to claw their faces off, so why not?

“You know, this is the exact reason why basketball and baseball are pointless,” I informed them. “It’s done nothing but breed a bunch of sensitive snatch napkins that wouldn’t last one game on a court or field with the likes of Larry Bird, Isaiah Thomas, Moses Malone, Dwight Evans, Nolan Ryan, or Dale Murphy.” Claude Kanjorski hid a laugh under his breath. “It’s fucking sports.” I looked Orion up and down. “I get that Raven King is your best friend, but did you really think that you all were so goddamn charming that the entire world was going to love you guys, no matter which team you played for? Even David Beckham has haters.”


“Don’t forget to book your manicures and pedicures after the game, gentlemen,” I sneered, being hateful. “You should probably schedule a wax for your vaginas as well-”

“Okay, that’s it,” Harley announced before lifting me, then tossing me over his left shoulder. “Don’t drop your purse.”

As my body bounced against Harley’s shoulder, I complained against his back. “You know, you just ruined a great exit line.”

“You’ll be thanking me later,” he snorted. “I was able to get to you before people had their phones aimed our way to record your crazy.”

It wasn’t until we were outside that Harley set me down on my feet, his hands coming up to push my hair out of my face. While most people would be mortified, angry, or embarrassed, Harley just grabbed my hand in his, then escorted us to his car. I wasn’t one to drink and drive, so I always planned my drinking with a cab or Uber in mind.

“Girl, you really shouldn’t be let out in public alone,” Harley sighed, a small chuckle following.

“It wasn’t my fault,” I semi-lied.

“Self-denial isn’t attractive, Sin.”

“Since I’m not trying to attract you, it’s a moot point,” I countered.

“Picking a fight with Orion Knight, Sin? Really?” he drawled out. “This city would run you out of town if they got wind of it. That man is like this state’s first son.”

“I just hate athletes,” I grumbled.

“I know,” he snorted. “And you need to get that shit fixed.”

Letting out a sigh of my own, I said, “I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I was just offering some colorful commentary on the game.”

“You were being a jerk,” he corrected as we reached his car. “The whole world-including you-knows that Orion Knight and Raven King are best friends. What’d you think the man was going to do while you eviscerated his best friend?”

I waited until Harley placed me safely into his car, then walked around to get in himself before answering, “I expected Orion Knight to have thicker skin.”

“He’s not Cap Aldrich, Sin,” he said, starting up the car. “Not all basketball players are assholes.”

“But a lot of them are,” I argued.

Harley grinned as he shook his head. “Well, things sure aren’t boring around you.”

“Can we get food?” I asked like a child.

“Whatever you want, Sin,” he promised like a good big brother.

The rest of the day was spent watching the game, eating food, drinking Harley’s choice of beer, and letting out a crushing sigh as the Spartans advanced to the Super Bowl. Yeah, they were defending champs and there was no denying the team’s talent, but they were still the same team that had taken out my beloved Hawks.

Things got worse when Raven’s stats were revered all over the after-game show, and the man went on to thank his family, all six people mentioned by name. It also sucked that, even a dirty, sweaty, labored mess, Raven King was hot as hell.

Chapter 9
