Reaching over, I plucked my wife from her chair, then placed her on my lap. “I say we drop the girls off with Atlas since they like him better than us, then we can come back here and make up for lost time.”
Lux smirked. “What lost time? You just went to the store.”
I wrapped my arms tighter around Lux’s precious frame. “Any time away from you and the girls is lost time in my book.”
Since my wife knew exactly how I felt about her, there was nothing for her to do but lay her head on my shoulder and let me hold her. No matter what I go on to do in life, the best decision of my life would always be marrying Lux. When I’d told her that I would never let her go, I’d meant that shit. Lux could kick my ass to the couch when she was fed up with me, but that’s as far as I’d ever go.
“I love you, baby,” I told her, needing to remind her why she puts up with me.
“I know you do,” she replied softly.
“You will always be my only baby’s mama,” I said, chuckling.
“You’re such a romantic, Titan Miller,” she quipped, a smile in her voice.
“I’m yours, is what I am,” I promised. “Never forget it, Lux Miller.”
The End.