Page 49 of Impeding

“I’m good,” he repeated. “Really.”

For the next half-hour, I sat in silence as Titan and Jalen talked about soccer and Jalen’s upcoming concert, and it was a miracle that I hadn’t snapped with the insanity that Titan was making me feel. I felt like he was running roughshod over my life, and I had to put a stop to it. Even if we did work things out, Titan couldn’t be allowed to believe that he could run my life, or else he would.

God, would he.

As I stabbed my salad with my fork, I wondered if it was too late to teach kindergarten.

Chapter 27


Lux was pissed, but not as pissed as I’d been when I’d been heading over to her place, then had innocently scanned my surroundings to see her having dinner with another man. I had almost killed everyone on the road when I’d gone to make my U-turn, almost ramming my car straight into the restaurant’s front window.

Atlas and Orion had flown back home after we’d eaten, certain that I had things under control now. With Aubrey, Rachel, and Ted Lomack all making fools of themselves on social media, it no longer felt necessary to go after them for my pound of flesh. They were destroying each other without my help, and the public really was a fickle bitch. Suddenly, everyone just knew how innocent I’d been this whole time. Suddenly, everyone felt sorry for me and were happy that their prayers for me had worked.

It was hard not to tell them all to go get fucked.

At any rate, I’d been on my way to finally hash shit out with Lux when I’d seen her having dinner with Jalen, and let me tell you, jealousy was no fucking joke. That green-eyed monster knew how to wrap its claws around your neck and squeeze expertly. Even though I knew that Lux’s job involved her working with high-profile men or whatever, it hadn’t been appreciated after she had just tried to break up with me.

So, with Lux’s meeting with Jalen rescheduled, I was walking her to her car, and there was steam coming out of the woman’s ears.

“How are we doing this?”

“Doing what, Titan?” she bit out, stomping towards the restaurant’s back parking lot.

“Finishing our fight,” I answered.

Lux whirled around on me. “Unlike you, I’m not a fan of scenes in public,” she hissed. “My entire job hinges on me being able to act right in front of the masses. So, no, Titan. No, we are not finishing our fight here.” Turning around to continue making her way to her car, she added, “Plus, what’s there to fight about? I’m pretty sure that I made my position clear when I kicked you out of my condo.”

“And I’m pretty sure that Ialsomade my position clear when you kicked me out of your condo,” I shot back.

“After the stunt that you just pulled? You’ve got nerve,” she scoffed as we finally got to her car.

I reached for her, grabbed her arm, then turned her to face me. “What the fuck don’t you understand?” I asked. “I’ve made it perfectly clear that I’m in love with you, Lux. I’ve also made it clear that you’re the first and only woman that I’ve ever been in love with. So, if you think that I’m just going to let you slip through my fingers because of some bullshit, you’re wrong.”

Instead of acknowledging anything that I just told her, she said, “I’m not doing this here, Titan.”

“Then are you coming to my place, or am I knocking on your door?” I asked. “Because wearedoing this, and we’re doing it tonight. I’m not waking up tomorrow not knowing what’s going on between us.”

“If that’s all you’re looking for, then I can tell you exactly what’s going on right now,” she practically sneered, still pissed off.

“Don’t fuck with me, Lux,” I warned her. “I’m not in the right headspace for your bullshit.”

Her brows shot upward.“Mybullshit? I’m not the one that almost made us go viral over a goddamn business dinner.”

“With another man after you tried to fucking break up with me,” I snapped.

“This is myjob,Titan,” she hissed.

“Which I am fine with, except for when you’re trying to dump me, Lux,” I argued.

I watched Lux let out a deep breath, closing her eyes, no doubt trying to keep from losing her shit. I watched her struggle to handle me, and all I could think about was how I was never going to let her go. Lux Leland was buried deep underneath my skin, and I had no desire to dig her out. She was it, and she was just going to have to get the fuck over it.

“My place or yours?” I asked. “If you want to take this private, then pick a place.”

Lux shot me a look. “I prefer to have home-field advantage.”

“It’s cute how you think that going to your place makes you safe from me,” I snorted.