Page 44 of Impeding

Opal nodded. “That she is.”

Belamy Berkshire was an influencer, made possible by the fact that her husband was a very wealthy and well-known NASCAR driver. While I also didn’t follow NASCAR, Morgan’s name was mentioned quite a lot in sports news. Supposedly, he was breaking speed records left and right, and the guy was also easy on the eyes. In my opinion, he was missing that hillbilly vibe that came with most racecar drivers.

“So, what’s he said so far?” I asked.

“Nothing,” she answered. “On the advice of his agent, he hasn’t made any statements.”

“What is Belamy and Morgan saying?”

“Morgan hasn’t said anything, but Belamy can’t seem to shut her mouth,” she replied dryly.

I winced. “What’s she saying?”

“That it’s all a huge misunderstanding, and that she’s nothing more but a victim in an unfortunate circumstance.”

“Oh, how horrible for her,” I deadpanned, being super judgey.

“You have an appointment with Jalen tonight,” she informed me. “They were caught two days ago, so we can’t put off a statement from him much longer.”

“Okay,” I sighed. “Do you have a file on him already, or do I need to put one together for him?”

“I already started one on him because I hadn’t expected you to be free.” She chuckled a bit. “However, seeing as how you are now, I think you’ll be perfect for Jalen.”

“No problem,” I lied. “I can juggle Titan and Jalen.”

“From your lips to God’s ears,” she snorted.

I grinned, despite feeling overwhelmed. “Well, I’ll do my best.”

“I know you will, Lux,” she said seriously. “That’s why you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself for falling for a pair of sexy blue eyes. You’re a good person, Lux. Don’t let this shit convince you otherwise.”

“Thanks, Opal,” I said, meaning it.

She threw me a wink before getting up to leave my office. “Any time, babe.”

As soon as she was gone, I brought my computer back to life, then searched Jalen Buckman. If I hadn’t been so absorbed in my own hellhole, I would have known about his indiscretion with Belamy because it was all over the damn internet. Two days later, with neither Jalen nor Morgan making any statements, the internet and its ‘sources’ were trying to come up with their own reasons and fodder for an article. In all honesty, I wondered if Morgan was waiting to see what Jalen had to say about everything. I also wondered if Jalen was doing the same thing.

When my phone chimed about an hour later, it was Jalen Buckman confirming our business dinner for later tonight. After confirming, I couldn’t help but notice that I hadn’t heard anything from Titan. Granted, could I really blame him?

Chapter 25



“What?!” I shouted back from the kitchen.

“Come look at this!”

Shaking my head, I went to go see what Orion was yelling about. “What, dude?”

“Check your goddamn phone,” he ordered as he and Atlas were glued to theirs.

Unlike them, I had turned off my notifications as soon as we’d gotten back to my place after the press conference. Since Orion and Atlas were with me, Raven, Sparkly, and Seb could get ahold of me through them, and I didn’t have another match for two days. I was due at practice tomorrow morning, but that was it. Coach Madison had given me a pass for today.

“Aubrey Leighton is trending, and you’re going to want to see why,” Atlas said.

I quickly pulled out my phone, and Aubrey Leighton was the first article to come up on my news feed. I clicked on the first link to whatever she had going on, and I was stunned at how quickly the tables had turned.