Page 42 of Impeding

“Okay, that’s enough,” Orion said, recognizing that I had reached my limit. “We’re done here. I’m sure you guys all got more than enough for your stories.”

“Just one more thing,” Atlas added. “We will be suing for millions if the two young women in question continue to post about Titan during these next four months. He is not in contact with either female, and their blatant lies can be easily proven with as much money as the five of us have to spearhead this thing.”

“Thank you,” I said, ending this shit. “That’ll be all.”

As expected, additional questions were flung my way, but I ignored them all. Turning from the crowd, I walked out of the room, my support group with me. In all honesty, it was comforting when you were going off the rails and the people that loved you supported your crazy. Not once had Atlas or Orion tried to shut me up once I’d gotten in front of the microphone, and though they probably should have, I appreciated how they were willing to take on my mistakes as their own.

Once we were in the back offices of the stadium, Coach Madison asked, “You okay?”

“No,” I answered honestly. “I’m still pissed.”

“Well, if nothing else, the entire world knows how you feel about Lux now,” Evan muttered, probably wishing that he charged me more for his services.

“Not sure if that’s a good thing,” I replied. “She doesn’t like to be in the spotlight.”

“I think we need to get drunk,” Atlas remarked.

“It’s nine in the morning,” Jake pointed out.

“Your point?” Orion asked, shooting him a look.

Jake threw his hands up in mock surrender, chuckling. “Have a great time, gentlemen.”

“Let me know if you need anything more from me,” Ja’Mar said. “I’ll get the wheels rolling on what we can sue them for.”

I looked over at Ja’Mar. “I don’t care how big or how small,” I told him. “I want to bleed those women dry of every dime that they’ve made off using my name to further their online presence.”

“I’m on it,” he said, and the grin on his face would worry most people. However, I hadn’t retained Ja’Mar Williams as my lawyer because he was nice.

With everyone else going about their business, that left me, Orion, and Atlas alone in the room. “Thanks for coming,” I said, though it didn’t need to be said.

“Miss me with that shit,” Orion huffed. “This is what we do.”

“I know,” I sighed. “I still appreciate it all the same.”

“Well, if we’re not going to get drunk, then let’s get some breakfast,” Atlas suggested.

“Yeah, breakfast sounds good,” I said, though getting drunk sounded way more satisfying.

Chapter 24


Iwas sitting at my desk, my head in my hands, wondering how things had gotten so chaotic. Like the rest of the world, I’d just finished watching Titan’s press conference, and no one was that good of an actor. If anyone had doubted the sincerity of our relationship before, they weren’t doubting it now. Titan had sounded like a man unhinged, and I could see why he was such a force to be reckoned with on the field.

A knock at my office door had me lifting my head, and when I spotted Opal staring at me, my head dropped back as I closed my eyes.


“Is there something that you need to tell me?”

I looked back over at her, then gestured for her to come in. Like the observant woman that she was, she made sure to shut the door behind her. While Opal was a good listener, this conversation could go either way. I had lied to her yesterday, and I had to own that.

There were two chairs positioned in front of my desk, and as soon as Opal took a seat in one of them, I said, “I slept with Titan Miller.”

“You slept with him, or you’re sleeping with him?” she asked. “Because there’s a difference, Lux.”

“I honestly don’t know what we’re doing,” I admitted. “I just know that I slept with him this past weekend.”