Page 41 of Impeding


After leaving Lux’s place last night, I had called Evan and Ja’Mar, telling them to meet me at the stadium for another press conference. After that, I had called Coach Madison and Jake Rodham to let them know what was going on. By rights, I should have called Lux or Opal Shumaker, but they would have just gotten in my way with their logic and professionalism.

I had also called Orion and Atlas, knowing that I was going to need the support after the press conference. I had no idea what state of mind I was going to be in after I said what I had to say, so I needed people that I could trust around me, and I only trusted my family like that. At one point, I had believed that I could trust Lux like that, but I guess not.

“Are you ready to do this?”

I looked over at Atlas. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

I was in the hallway with Atlas and Orion while everyone else was already in the media room, waiting for me to make my appearance. The room was packed like it’d been before, but I had expected as much. Nothing brought the vultures to your door like salacious gossip.

“I still think that you should have called your girl,” Orion said. “It’s going to look bad if she’s not here when she was here the last time.”

“I know,” I agreed. “However, I seriously doubt that she’s up to helping my cause this morning. I said some pretty shitty things to her last night.”

“Look, you can always talk to Lux later,” Atlas said. “How about we get out there, so that you can say what you need to say.”

I nodded, grateful for them being here. “Let’s do this.”

As soon as I stepped into the room, murmurs flooded my ears, everyone taking note of how Orion and Atlas were standing behind me. Evan, Ja’Mar, Coach, and Jake were all standing to the side, letting me run this shitshow, and I appreciated their confidence in me at a time like this.

After adjusting the microphone, I went right in on what I had to say. “By now, I’m sure that all of you have seen Aubrey Leighton’s post about how we’d been in a relationship and how she is also pregnant by me. Well, like Rachel Malaki, she’s lying. The only relationship that I have ever been in is the one that I’m in now with Lux Leland. As arrogant as it sounds, I’ve never gone back for seconds with the same woman because I’ve never had to, nor had I ever had the desire before Lux came into my life.”

As I looked out into the room, I could feel myself getting angry again. Even though I needed to do this, I resented having to. I had no desire to put my private life out there for people to judge and dissect, but I also refused to lose Lux over this bullshit.

“Now, some of you might be wondering why these women would say that they’re pregnant by me if they weren’t. Well, all you have to do is see how much Rachel’s social media accounts have blown up to know the answer to that.” That got a few head nods. “Now, since Rachel is refusing to get an amniocentesis, and I suspect that Aubrey will be of the same mind, this is what’s going to happen. Once the tests come back, confirming that neither kid is mine, I’m going to sue both women for slander, and if I have to call every woman that I have ever slept with to prove my case, then I will.”

“Why?” a reporter called out. “If the paternity tests come out negative, then you’ll already be vindicated.”

“Because they can easily claim that theythoughtthe babies were mine, which is impossible. Something that they’d both know if they had truly ever gone up to my hotel room,” I answered. “These women either picked my name out of a hat, or they know that they’re lying and deliberately misleading the public. Either way, it’s not something that I’m going to let them get away with, even if it does end up painting me as the villain in this story. I have enough money to drain them dry of all their newfound business deals and advertisement dollars, and I don’t care if they end up homeless afterwards.”

“That’s kind of harsh, don’t you think?” another reporter asked.

“Do you want to know what’s harsh?” I bit out. “Harsh is the woman that you love trying to break up with you because some opportunist decided to ruin your life.”

“Are you saying that Ms. Leland has broken up with you?” another voice called out.

“I’m saying that it’ll be a cold day in Hell before I let anyone come between me and my girl,” I replied. “I will burn this entire city to the ground and everyone in it before I let these women ruin what I have with Lux. If you guys think that I’m up here fighting for my reputation and career, you’re mistaken. My career is solid, and I don’t care what people think of me.”

“Then what is this?” the first reporter asked.

“I’m up here fighting for my relationship, and my relationship with Lux Leland matters more to me than my career, my money, or my reputation.”

“What are Atlas Braylon and Orion Knight doing here?” another reporter called out.

I stepped aside while Orion took the mic. “We’re here to make it clear that we’ll be more than happy to bankroll the cases against these two women if Titan happens to run out of money.”

Atlas stepped up on the other side of me. “Just to be clear, Raven King and Sebastian Havoc feel the same way, though they couldn’t be here today because of their schedules.”

Taking back the mic, I said, “Another thing that these women should have considered before pulling this stunt? I don’t have kids, friends, siblings, or parents that will be affected by my behavior. I’m not ashamed of the things that I did while I was single, so when the details come out in court, I’m not the one that’s going to have to walk around with my head hung down afterwards.”

“You don’t feel like your statements might be coming off as threats?” someone asked.

I shook my head. “I’m not threatening anyone. I’m defending myself from two women who felt that it was okay to tell lies about me and upend my life. I won’t lose a wink of sleep for doing the right thing, which is defending myself.”

“So, are you and Lux broken up?” someone asked. “Is that why she’s not here today?”

“She’s not here because she doesn’t know that I was going to do this,” I admitted. “Since most of you internet-stalked her after finding out that she was my girlfriend, you all know that she works in public relations. So, while she had typed out a very formal, polite, direct statement for me to make, we didn’t end up seeing eye to eye on it.” Everyone in the room chuckled at that. “But make no mistake, Lux Leland and I are still very much together, and if she truly does end up leaving me for this, there will be hell to pay.”