Page 38 of Impeding

“I’d believe you,” I said, every word the truth. “After what Ithoughtwe shared last weekend, I would believe you, no matter how stupid that might make me look. I would believe you, and then I’d fuck up every man that dared utter your name.”

“Am I supposed to just stand by and smile for the cameras as all your one-night stands all start coming out of the woodwork? Claiming to be pregnant by you?” Lux shook her head. “I can do it for the cameras, but not…that’s not the kind of actual relationship that I want to have with a man, Titan.”

“They’re not pregnant with my kids!” I yelled, anger and resentment at having to keep saying it.


“And forget your statement,” I hissed.

“Titan, you have to address this new accusation,” she said. “You know that.”

“Oh, I plan to,” I assured her. “However, I’m going to do itmyway. I’m going to handle this the way that I should have from the beginning.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m going to let the entire world know exactly how those women get down,” I said, no longer caring about class or appearances.

Lux’s green orbs flared wide. “You can’t do that, Titan.”

“Bet,” I spat.

“You can’t do that,” she repeated. “What about all the other women?”

“What about them?” I scoffed.

Lux shook her head as she took in a deep breath. “Titan, you’ll be sharing intimate details of all the other women that you’ve slept with if you do this. How is that fair to them? Do you really want to humiliate these women by letting the entire world know that they were willing to submit to your sexual demands by performing oral or anal sex only? These women have families, Titan. Friends, maybe even kids.”

“So, what?” I bit out. “I’m supposed to just let these two women ruin my life to spare a bunch of fucking ball hoppers?”

“They’re people, too!’ she yelled.

Anger made no room for logic or compassion right now. “Or is this aboutyouandyourfamily?” I sneered. “Afraid that you’re going to be lumped in with all the women that love to take it up the ass?”

My head snapped sideways with the force of her slap. My face stung with the power behind the hit, but I didn’t mind. I was looking for a fight, and though I’d never put my hands on a woman like that, I was still furious enough to let this get physical.

Turning my head back her way, Lux looked livid, her chest heaving, her eyes glowing with green fire. If my heart wasn’t breaking right now, I’d drag her to the bedroom, then fuck her into oblivion. In any form, this woman was the most incredible thing that I’d ever seen, and if she really was breaking up with me, then I’d never be whole again; I knew this.

“What, baby?” I said, anger and hate lacing every word. “The truth hurt?” I stepped closer to her, giving her plenty of room to hit me some more. “Because I can always make sure to let everyone know that you’re not like that. I can always let them know that you were a good girl for me.”

“Get out,” she hissed. “It’s obvious that there’s no talking to you right now.”

“We can always not talk,” I suggested like an asshole. “We can always head towards your bedroom, so that I can show you exactly why all those women gave up the ass for me.” I reached up to touch her face, but she slapped my hand away. “What? Afraid you’ll like the stretch so much that you’ll be just another ball hopper.”

Just when I didn’t think that I could get any angrier…

“I’ve got news for you, Titan,” she seethed. “I’ve had boyfriends before you, and the last man that I was in a relationship already went there.”

I had my hand around her neck before I knew what I was doing, her hands coming up to grip my arm. “Watch yourself, Lux,” I warned.

“Get out,” she repeated.

I stared at the only woman that I had ever been in love with, and I knew that I’d ruin us beyond repair if I stayed any longer. We were spewing hateful shit at each other, and I was man enough to accept that it was my fault; Lux was merely playing defense.

Letting go of her neck, I said, “This isn’t over.”

“It was over the minute that a second woman came forward, Titan,” she said. “I’ll still do my job, but nothing more than that.”

I grabbed her chin, my fingers squeezing tightly. “You’re out of your fucking mind if you think that I’m going to let some attention whores come between us, baby.” Her lips parted, and it was all I could do not to drag her to her bedroom by her fucking hair. “This isn’t over, Lux. It’s far from fucking over.”