Page 46 of Impeding

“Love you, too.”

As soon as we hung up, my phone rang again, and I answered it dutifully. “I saw it.”

“Good,” Raven replied, his voice in dad-mode. “I hope they get what’s coming to them.”

“Shouldn’t you be at practice?”

“I am,” he answered gruffly. “I told Coach that it was an emergency.”

“I’m good, Raven,” I assured him.

“And Lux?” he asked, never one to beat around the bush.

“I haven’t talked to her yet, but I plan to later tonight.”

“Let me know if you need anything.”

“I still have Orion and Atlas here,” I reminded him.

He wasn’t impressed. “And either one will have you drunk or at the strip club.”

“Atlas, sure,” I laughed. “Orion’s a family man now.”

“No strip clubs for me!” Orion hollered loud enough for Raven to hear him.

“Just behave,” he drawled out. “All of you.”

“Will do, Dad,” I replied before we said our goodbyes.

“Sire’s going to grow old before his time,” Atlas remarked. “The dude needs to chill out.”

“I think once Esme finally gives him kids, he’ll relax a little,” Orion replied. “If nothing else, he’ll be too busy scolding them to worry about us.”

“You’re wrong,” I told them. “Raven will never be too busy to scold us.”

After a heartbeat of silence, Orion asked, “Okay, so what are we going to do about your girl?”

“She’s usually home by five unless she’s deep into some shit,” I answered. “My plan is to drive over once she’s home.”

“Well, we’ll be here if you need to be bailed out of jail,” Atlas offered.

I shot him a look. “And why would I need to be bailed out of jail?”

“Because women are unpredictable, and you’re not exactly her favorite person right now,” he answered.

“At’s got a point,” Orion drawled out.

“She’s not going to call the cops on me.”

“Famous last words,” Atlas laughed.

“You guys are assholes,” I sighed.

“We’re assholes that are hungry,” Orion replied. “Let’s get some lunch, then you can make all the phone calls that you need to. I imagine that Evan and Ja’Mar are foaming at the mouth right now, ready to go in for the kill.”

He wasn’t wrong.

“Okay, let’s go to lunch, then figure out the rest later,” I said. “I’ve got practice tomorrow.”