Page 32 of Impeding

Chapter 18


While my family was doing their best not to fangirl all over the place, they still kept calling me, asking me if I was still with Titan. Once real life had come back into the picture, Titan had left to go play his next out-of-town game, and I had returned to work to check on my other clients. Though Titan was the priority right now, I hadn’t wanted my other clients to feel as if I’d deserted them. Yeah, I had made sure to put them in good hands, but it still sucked to feel like you’d been pawned off to someone else.

At any rate, I had called everyone last night, letting them know that this thing with Titan was no longer a publicity stunt. I had bared my soul, letting them know that we were dating for reals now, and that had sent them all in a tizzy. They felt famous by association, and they were all acting like kids on Christmas morning. It was cute, but annoying at the same time.

After calling my parents and Joseph, I had called Lita, spilled all, then had made a date for lunch. She’d wanted all the dirt, and she’d been adamant that a phone call wasn’t good enough. According to her, when discussing someone like Titan Miller, it needed to be done in person and with drinks. Granted, neither of us were drinking so early in the day, but I understood where she’d been coming from.

“I just can’t believe it,” Lita said, and not for the first time. “I mean…I get it, but…holy shit.” Her grin was infectious.

“Yeah, I’m still trying to wrap my mind around it myself,” I admitted. “Before the other night, I wanted to kill Titan Miller.”

“Yeah, good dick can change your mind about a man really quick,” she laughed.

“It’s more than that,” I said. “I mean, yeah, he’s great in bed, but…it’s more than just the sex. Titan reminds me of a snake charmer. He’s just got this way with words, and…and those goddamn blue eyes of his should be outlawed.”

Lita leaned back in her seat, taking a drink of her soda. “Oh, trust me,” she snorted. “Once the shine wears off, he’ll get on your nerves just like any regular man. It’s in their DNA to annoy the shit out of us. While I love Tim with all my heart and soul, there are times when I’m happy as hell that he has to travel for work. If he didn’t, then I’d never get a moment to myself.”

“Some women would call that devotion,” I teased.

“After the fifth year of marriage, it’s call suffocation,” she quipped.

“You wouldn’t know what to do without that man,” I said, getting serious.

“True,” she agreed. “However, he’s still just a man, same as Titan. Eventually, the honeymoon phase comes to an end, and that’s when he better hope that you love him.”

“Well, the same could be said for us,” I countered. “We’re not exactly easy to live with.”

“Touché,” she chuckled. “Still, don’t let his name in lights get to you too much. At the end of the day, he’s still just a man.”

“I know,” I replied. “It’s just…going to take some getting used to.”

Lita straightened in her seat. “So, what about the whole baby mama drama?” she asked. “How do you feel about all that now that you’re actually Titan’s girlfriend?”

That was a tricky question. While I believed that the child wasn’t his, the next four months were going to be riddled with this woman making the most of her associated fame. Even though Titan already had a private investigator on her, it was still my job to keep a handle on this thing. So, in between Titan pissing me off and sleeping with him, I’d been doing my job, and Rachel was continuously posting every day, and not just one post a day. She was putting all her business out there, and it made me wonder if she was vying for her own reality show.

Looking at her, there was no denying that she was very beautiful. Though Titan claimed that she looked just like all the countless others, I didn’t see that. Maybe it was because I was a woman and noticed the details, but Rachel Malaki had her own beauty that was all her own. She had that beautiful exotic look that only came from people with mixed heritages, and Rachel was half white and half Asian. Granted, Titan probably had a lot of variety littering his past, but it still stunned me a little that he couldn’t remember actually sleeping with her or not.

At any rate, Rachel was posting like crazy, and a lot of her supporters were convinced that the baby belonged to Titan. There were a lot of comments about what a beautiful baby they were going to have, and there were even some nasty comments about how stupid I was to be with a guy that was having a baby with someone else. Never mind that the timeline suggested that Titan had been ‘faithful’ to me, nasty people were going to always do their best to spread their hate.

Titan had also made a good point about Rachel’s backup plan. She’d been smart enough not to mention her sexual past, so she could easily invent an ex-boyfriend of some sort. She could even play that she had used Titan to help mend a heartbreak or something like that. I hated the idea that she could very well make it out of this unscathed while having no remorse for putting Titan through this mess.

“Honestly, I’m not sure,” I answered. “Since she’s almost five months pregnant, it looks like a simple unplanned pregnancy. Titan had made sure that our relationship timeline didn’t make him look like a cheater, so that’s something I guess.”

“And you believe him about being celibate for the past three months?”

I shrugged. “Why would he lie about something like that? I mean, in all honesty, he’s Titan Miller; he doesn’t need to lie about anything. The truth won’t affect his paycheck or his popularity. There are plenty of men that still admire the manwhore mentality, and there are still a lot of women that don’t care as long as the diamond is big enough.”

“Sad, but true.”

“Plus, is there really any way to stop the rumors or hate?” I asked. “Jealousy is a destructive emotion, and there will always be people out there that thrive on ruining other people’s happiness.”

“It’s always a matter of trust, isn’t it?” she sighed. “Without it, those people will always win.”

“Oryou could just not post your business on the internet,” I suggested. “That’s one way not to invite negativity or suspicion into your relationship.”

“Another good point, Ms. Leland,” Lita chuckled.