Page 5 of Deacon

“Either I have good breaking & entering skills, or you were out of it.”

She smiled at him as she reached for the steaming cup of coffee. She watched as he sat on the edge of the bed and took up the second cup, a distracted expression on his face. “Where is Lori?”

“She has gone to visit her parents. How was the trip?”

“Illuminating. What’s wrong?”

He gave her a wry look. “What makes you think something is wrong?”

“I happen to know you, honey.”

Picking a slice of toast, he bit into it with strong white teeth. “Lori is at it again. I think she is getting worse. She has this foolish notion that I am going to up and leave her.”

“You could pay someone to be a surrogate. If it’s money-“ The snap in his brown eyes halted her.

“My wife happens to be an heiress.” He reminded her coolly. “She was talking about that last night and crying so hard I agreed to think about it.”

“It might not be so bad.”

He glared at her as he drank some more coffee. “It would mean me jerking off into a cup and taking time out of my schedule to go to some uppity clinic. Then, there is the possibility of the woman bearing the child and deciding to keep it. What then?”

“You are too scary for anyone to run that kind of joke.” She pointed out. “And there is the rigid screening process. It’s worth thinking about, and it would make Lori very happy.”

“Yeah.” He bit off a sigh. “She should be content with just me.”

“I am sure she is. But she wants the added security of being a mother.”

“Why the hell are you so different?”

“I am selfish and no-nonsense, and I have been told – or rather accused of being intimidating and cold.”

“You cold?” he scoffed at that.

“I might be.” She shrugged slender shoulders. “I don’t give a damn about that. But back to your honey, that woman loves you to pieces; I cannot for the life of me see why-“ She squealed a little when he tugged at a lock of hair.

“It’s good to have you back.” Leaning forward, he kissed her full on the mouth. “I have to go. What’s the plan for today?”

“I am meeting with the girls and going to the theater.” She took another sip of her coffee. “I might be looking for another job.”

“Why? You practically run that place.”

“I think we are in the process of being taken over.”

“By another publishing house?”

“if that were the case, I would not be worried. Ever heard of Manchester Enterprises?”

He raised his eyebrows. “Who hasn’t? Wasn’t there a scandal attached to the CEO some years ago?”

“His wife put him through the wringer and crashed her vehicle in an embankment. She was pregnant.”

He nodded. “I was not in charge of the investigation but heard talk at the precinct. They were even investigating Manchester at one point.”

“He had nothing to do with the accident.”

“No, he was cleared. I remember seeing him come into the precinct with a bunch of expensive lawyers.” He shook his head. “Marty and Evans were interviewing him and said the guy was as cold as ice.

He did not say a word and stared at them as if they were bugs to be squashed.” He frowned at her. “His company is taking over your place?”