Especially of crazed, drugged men who attacked him while naked after a bath.
Some of the hard edges had melted from Aurelius’s face, and his mouth was slightly open. Asleep, he looked smaller and less dangerous. Less snakey. Jari had the urge to go over, hug him close, and apologize for earlier.
Which would be a disaster. Aurelius would probably kick him out now. Whatever guilt the drug had dragged from the depths of Jari’s mind wouldn’t make the Prince feel better.
He straightened his legs, and the faint movement made Aurelius jerk awake.
“I’m not crazy now,” Jari mumbled. “I mean, I am. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. Earlier, I-They gave me something from a bottle, and it tasted bad. I felt-”
Trying to explain it was inadequate. He wouldn't be surprised if Aurelius spit in his face right then for his weak-ass apology.
“You were drugged. Maybe something with turf.” Aurelius stiffly sat up and slipped a finger under his eyepatch strap to adjust it slightly. “You scared me.”
Terrified him more like it. Jari was surprised he’d admitted that much. “I’m sorry. They said something about me being angry, and they wouldn't shut up about it. I felt like I had to apologize, and I thought I’d float off.”
Now he’d have the image of Aurelius naked burned into his brain for the rest of his life. Except it would also be with the Prince's frightened face, and he hadn't ever wanted to see that.
“Turf is definitely something that can cause bad trips for some. Go back to sleep.” Aurelius got off the bed like he couldn’t bear to be near him, and he went to sit at his table bythe window. “We’re safe, and the doors are locked. I gave you laudanum to make you sleep it off.”
“I didn’t mean to do that to you.” The new guilt poured into Jari’s mind made him want to fall into a hole and vanish.
Aurelius rested his head on his hand with his face toward the window. “Go back to sleep.”
Chapter Three
Jari wasn’t as muddled, but he still felt like shit the next morning when he got out of bed, could barely get himself to look at Aurelius, and stumbled into the guest privy room. He found a set of clothes waiting for him that were just as nice as the other ones Aurelius had given him last year.
Right away, it made him feel used. Like a loyal dog who’s been scolded by his Master, he came running right back with his tail tucked between his legs. For a moment, he was again tempted to take his shit and walk right back out.
It’d be worse to leave again after breaking his word the first time. In part, last night was rather his fault anyway because he’d let his guard down. It would also be worse to be back only long enough to put Aurelius through more shit.
If he hadn’t returned, he was positive that Zylem would have raped him. With a clear head now, or mostly clear, he was also sure of what the younger Princes intended later.
Turf affected users in many different ways, and no one knew how they’d react to it until they tried it the first time. The safe way was to do it around others with experience who could take care of the user while they were high.
It made some people agitated and annoyed, although they didn’t necessarily hit or attack others. Others grew brutal and violent on it, and if they weren’t restrained, they might attack someone nearby. Jari had become sad, but that probably wasn't the norm.
The younger Princes had clearly been hoping that Jari would either beat Aurelius, rape him, potentially kill him, or all three. If things went the other way, and Aurelius killed Jari purely out of defense, he’d be without a guard and vulnerable once more.
That’s why they hadn’t come in to watch, and Zylem had mentioned something about going downstairs. They could claim innocence, and everyone would say Jari was an idiot and an addict who had been high while on the job.
Dear Elira, if something happened to Aurelius and Eurig, Zylem’s ass would be warming the throne. The last thing Nova needed was a sick bastard like that.
Once he came out, Aurelius was seated in his favored armchair. His eye immediately scanned Jari, picking, probing, and checking that he’d dressed himself as expected and not like a toddler.
“You had this, huh?” asked Jari.
“I figured you’d like the red.”
“So you just had this lying around?” Jari wanted him to say it. “In my size?”
“I had the servants alter some more of my clothes. The rest are in your room if you look in the chest and wardrobe. They brought them last night before I went to bed.”
Jari sat on the couch. “You decided I’d return because you said so?”
“I prepared in advance in case you happened to say yes.”
Liar. He knew what parts to prod and push, and using the truth had suited him once it seemed like Jari wasn’t about to instantly drop everything to follow like a loyal doggy.