As a nurse, I’d seen countless naked bodies. Being naked didn’t concern me, only keeping warm did. When I turned my back on him so he could wrap his arms around me, cuddle me, and keep us both warm, I felt that hardness pressing against my back.

And not once had I thought of my fiancé back home.

Tonight, when we slept together again, I had no intention of opening myself up to him, of allowing him to enter me.

But when he pressed against me, once again as hard as a rock, and with his powerful muscles coiled tight, I heard that aching voice deep in the pit of my soul that kept whispering…

Go on…

Go on…

Go on…

Then I felt his kiss on my shoulder. I melted to the tips of my toes.

My defenses were shot and there was no way I could stop him.

No way I wanted to stop him.

Then he heard that noise.

The Changelings were almost on us.


Fiath raised a finger to his lips and listened for another sound.

I wanted to run. My imagination was incapable of thinking it was anything but the Changelings coming after us.

But maybe it was wildlife that produced the sound.

I hoped it was.


Snap! Snap!

Fiath’s expression fell.

He took me by the hand and lead us deeper into the forest. We made so much noise it was easy for them to track us. But not yet. We still had some time—

A bolt of plasma struck a tree beside us and blew a hole through it.

They had found us.

They were hot on our tail.

Fiath took us over a sharp rise and down the other side. It was a sharp incline.

We were trapped.

Either we ran along the top of the hill, exposed, or slid down the hillside, and who knew what kind of injuries we would sustain.

Maybe it would be okay for a Titan, but I didn’t have their quick healing abilities.

Fiath wrapped his arms around me and drew me close. He kissed me on the lips, shut his eyes, and then threw us over the side.

A shaft of plasma zipped through the space where his head had occupied just a moment earlier.