The ground shifted beneath my feet.

This girl, this thing, whatever she was, hadn’t lost her mind.

I had.

“I… I have to get out of here,” I said. “Excuse me.”

I stumbled forward and shoved Okhet aside.

“You can’t leave!” she said.

“You just watch me!” I said.

“You’re not dressed!” Okhet said.

She was right. But the blanket was going to have to be enough for now.

The girl with the red skin—red skin!—stepped aside to let me pass as I shoved the door open.

I staggered into a hallway that bent and flexed, warping like I’d just stepped into a black hole. But it wasn’t the hallway.

It was me.

The world hadn’t stopped shifting and melting ever since I woke up.

The carpet was red and thick beneath the soles of my feet. The gold embellishments along the walls were gaudy even to my distressed eyes.

I clutched the blanket tight to myself. I leaned against the wall and pressed my hand to it as I scaled up the hallway. I banged on the first door I came to.

“Hello?” I called. “Is anyone there? I’ve been kidnapped! Hello? Anyone? Somebody help me!”

A door opened, but not the one I was banging on. It was at the far end. A pair of figures emerged, fuzzy to my panicked eyes. They gawped at me.

“Somebody run and get help!” I yelled at them.

One actually turned and ran. She headed inside her room. Maybe she had a cell she could use to call for help.

More doors opened and figures filed into the hall.

“Let’s get you back inside!” Okhet said. “Before—”

I yanked my arm free and prepared to fight if I had to.

The door I banged on earlier opened and a voluptuous beauty wearing thigh-high boots emerged. She glared at me with a big pair of angry eyes. Then she shifted her attention to the girls in the Hazmat suits.

“What’s going on?” she demanded.

Thank God, I thought. She’d help me get away from these crazy people.

“I’m glad you’re here,” I said. “These people… these things… They’re trying to kidnap me.”

“I’m sorry,” Okhet said. “We just woke her up and she got away from us.”

“Then get her back inside!” the voluptuous beauty hissed.

Oh no… She was one of them…

“I’ll deal with you later,” the beauty growled. “Right now, I’m with a client. And if you want to be given the chance to be shown to another client within your lifetime, I suggest you get her back to the room and ensure this doesn’t happen again!”