“No. You’re horny in other ways.”

I grinned at her and reached up to cup her face in my hands. I kissed her on the lips. She tasted so good. The pain was worth it so long as I could be with her.

“I was afraid I would never see you again,” I said. “Or kiss you.”

“And you just got to do both,” she said. “I guess today must be your lucky day.”

I moved my arm and massaged my shoulder.

“It sure doesn’t feel very lucky,” I said.

“Hold still,” Maddy said. “I need to get the last of the splinters out or it’ll get infected.”

“Infections don’t affect Titans much.”

“But it can’t help.”

“I suppose not.”

A drop of rain patted me on the top of the head. When I looked up, another thick blob ran down my face. I peered at our surroundings. We were in the attic of a barn. The roof was full of holes. Rain formed puddles on the floor and warped the boards. The air smelled of dust and I could already feel it clogging up my nose.

“You couldn’t find a better place to hole up?” I said.

“Quit complaining,” Maddy said. “We’re lucky to get this.”

She picked a little more at the wound before she said, “Done. But this might sting a little.”

“What will?”

She splashed something over the wound.

The sudden flash of pain took me by surprise. I bit down on my scream and clenched my teeth together so hard they might have cracked. The tang of alcohol stung my nostrils and made me want to vomit.

“Give me some of that,” I said.

She handed me the bottle. There was no label to identify it. Probably homemade. I swigged a mouthful and coughed. It hurt almost as much in my mouth as it had on my back. I handed it back to Maddy.

“Good?” she said.

I shook my head.

“Horrible,” I said. “These Yayora don’t know the first thing about how to brew a good beer. Now, Titan ale, that’s what you call good beer.”

“Ale? I’m not sure anyone but old men drink that back on my homeworld.”

“Then the rest of you are missing out. You should listen to your old men more. They know what they’re talking about.”

Maddy chuckled.

“What’s so funny?” I said.

“You remind me of someone back home.”

“He must be young, tall, and good looking if he’s anything like me.”

“Short, fat, and old.”

“Should I take offense?”