The most surprising thing about the doorway was that it led immediately into the next room. It wasn’t a tunnel. The three feet I dug the previous day should have brought us a good distance inside the room.

What sort of sorcery was this?

The room was of a similar size as the one we’d just left behind but very sparse, with no furnishings besides the long table that divided the room in half. On it was a bunch of items.

I looked over at Chax. In ordinary circumstances, just looking at him would have produced flickering images of our time together last night and made me blush.

The sex was incredible. I’d always had a… combative sense of sex. I liked to feel a little used when I got intimate with someone. And when I couldn’t get that feeling? Then I punished my lover by using them.

If you weren’t willing to go the whole hog the way I needed, they were wasting my time. And I was very jealous with my time.

I didn’t need to worry about that with Chax. He gave me everything I wanted.

Everything and more.

The guy was a sex-machine.

I didn’t understand how he could last so long, how he could jackhammer me so deep and with so much intensity I almost lost consciousness.

I wanted more.

I’d been looking forward to a nice round three this morning, but then we discovered this mysterious doorway. It didn’t look likely it would happen now.

To be continued…

“What’s going on?” I said. “What are we doing here?”

I fingered the items on the table. They appeared to be separated into two piles. There was a single item of clothing with an electronic device beside it.

“Don’t touch them,” Chax said. “We don’t know what they are. It could be some kind of trap.”

It didn’t seem like a trap to me. The room we just came from was the trap. A prison. This felt like we were getting closer to freedom.

But maybe I was wrong.

There was no doorway out of here either. When I turned back to the doorway we’d stepped through, I found it was no longer there. In this space, there was no comfortable bed, no replicator to make the things we needed, no toilet.


Had we just walked into the trap? Had we made the wrong decision?

“Good morning,” an ugly and unfamiliar voice said.

Lights flickered in the three corners of the room—it was triangle shaped. Beams of light met in the center, atop the table. A figure materialized. He was taller than Chax but stick thin and disgusting. He had hard natural plating across his body and was built like an insect. Just looking at him made my skin crawl.

“Welcome! I am Quus,” he said. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”

Finally meet us? What was he talking about?

“It must come as quite a shock for you to wake up in that room,” he said. “No matter how many times I see it, I can never quite imagine what it feels like. Do you know why you’re here?”

He spoke not so much as if he were speaking to us, but projected his voice as if he were in a stage play.

“You abducted us,” Chax said. “You’re a Changeling.”

“Guilty as charged,” Quus said. “But we don’t like to think of it as abduction. We prefer to think of it as recruitment. A chance to give you a more… eventful life.”

Why did I get the feeling this was scripted? That this creature had said these words many times over in the past?