But there were two of them and only one of me.

Could I take them both down? I could if I were a powerful Titan.

Damn it. Why wasn’t I a powerful Titan?

The second Changeling snatched the machine from the first one’s hand.

“Don’t neuralize her too many times,” he said. “She’ll end up a vegetable and then she’ll be useless to Slak.”

“I won’t turn her into a vegetable. I just want to make sure…”

“What’s going on here?” a deep, booming voice said.

Whoever they were, they were my savior!

My opinion changed when my hero entered the circle of light.


Wait till Fiath learns who took me away. He was going to go insane!

But only if I could get out of there and send him a message.

But how?


“Why aren’t they in their pods yet?” Slak snapped.

“We were just about to do it, sir,” the second Changeling said, putting the handheld neuralizer down and scowling at the first Changeling. He turned to us and spoke in a clear voice.

“Everyone to the pods!” he said.

The girls shuffled toward the six empty pods awaiting their cargo.

We stood in front of mine.

I couldn’t go inside it. I just couldn’t.

I would rather die.

Which left me with few alternatives.

“Get in the pods,” the second Changeling said.

It was now or never.

I yanked the tiny pebble with the razor-sharp edge out of my pocket and screamed as I swung it at the nearest figure.

It was the second Changeling. I caught the chest plate of his external armor and the blade sliced it but didn’t cut into him.


“I told you!” the first Changeling said. “I told you she was still awake!”

“Don’t just stand there!” Slak said. “Subdue her!”

The first Changeling snatched up the handheld neuralizer and aimed it at me.