“I’ll walk you down,” he said.

“No,” I said. “I’ll manage.”

“Thank you for helping me,” he said. “Again.”

Neither of us could say what we really wanted to say.

The words went unspoken.

I reached up and wrapped my arms around him. I pulled back quickly, already sensing I would lose myself to him if I wasn’t careful.

“Bye,” I said.

I hustled out of his apartment, certain I would never see him again.

It wasn’t what I wanted.

It wasn’t what I needed.

But right then, it sure felt that way.



Silence is deafening in the heat of battle.

It was an expression I heard many times growing up but never fully appreciated its meaning until Vicky left me.

She packed her things and walked out the door, leaving me in an apartment empty and devoid of her presence.

The meeting with mom had not gone well.

In fact, it couldn’t have gone much worse.

I ran through the situation and wondered how she’d discovered the truth.

Mom had left the room and when she came back, she was informed of the entire situation.

She knew my plan for keeping my inheritance, how I came to meet Vicky, and how I’d been training her for our mission of subterfuge.

None of it made any sense.

I had managed to hurt not just my mom but Vicky too.

She hadn’t spoken all the way home and I couldn’t find the right words to say to her.

It wasn’t a situation I was used to finding myself in.

Especially when it came to caring about someone enough to actually take action.

I fell into an armchair and ran my hands through my hair.

Vicky wasn’t coming back.

I had hoped she couldn’t bring herself to climb in the taxi cab, that she might have a change of heart at the last minute.

That hadn’t happened.