Something had to do it to them.

A person? A creature?

Didn’t I read about someone being attacked in a park by a lion that escaped from a zoo once?

I shook my head. I had an overactive imagination.

It’s just a twig, I told myself.

Who was afraid of a twig?

Not me.

I lowered my head and pressed on.

My footsteps were quick, my strides short and hurried. My head was tucked in, my shoulders hunched, smaller and more harmless than any Titan.


Closer this time.

Were they coming towards me?

Did Titans have superior vision?

Could they see in this mist?

And what in God’s name was I doing out here in the middle of nowhere at nighttime alone?

Stay calm.

I just need a few more minutes. Then I would reach that cafe—if there was one—and someone could give me those directions. I just needed a little more time.


Even closer this time. Worse, it sounded like it was coming from the path ahead of me, disappearing into the shroud.

The mist seemed to carry sound with greater clarity than usual. The sound could have come from much further away.


No. It came from right in front of me.

No question about it.

And any second now, someone would come lurching out from the mist.

I peered around and found a small hedge. I hurried over to it and crouched behind it.

I waited to see what would materialize.

Probably the old guy with his not-dog from earlier, I thought.

I would laugh so hard when I realized it was nothing to worry about.

I stared, unblinking.

“What are you doing?”