“Well, you’re not going to get to say it to her,” the officer said. “There’s no one inside it.”

His words didn’t register. They didn’t make any sense.

He had to be wrong. He just had to be.

“No,” I said. “She’s heading to Earth. She’s my godson’s governess.”

The security panel on the pod sparked and hissed, then the lid shifted and folded to one side. The condensation ran off it and dripped on the floor.

He was right. It was empty.

I didn’t understand. I checked the check-in details. She had downgraded. She had checked in.

“You’re going to have to pay for the pod,” the officer said. “Among many other things.”

I didn’t hear him. I just stared at the pod.


Had I gotten the wrong one?

No. The number was printed clearly on the front.

Then maybe she switched to another pod?

Why? This was the one she’d been assigned.

“All right,” the security officer said. “Let’s get him out of here.”

I put up no resistance.

I was hustled into a jail cell while the police took their sweet time calling my lawyer. The moment he arrived, the police altered their behavior. The lawyer probably threw my name and title around. Still, that alone wouldn’t set me free.

I was fortunate that some of those who had invested in my business had also invested in the Arcturon Prime airport. They managed to put enough pressure on the companies to convince them to let me off with a temporary ban and payment for the pod I broke.

I got off very light.

As for Zauet Transportation, I improved the terms of their contract with an extra few percent pay increase. The president was very happy with that.

I signed a check for the agreed amount for the pod and was let out. My lawyer escorted me outside.

“Do you need a lift?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I said. “It’ll give me some time to think.”

A figure stood at a park bench.

My eye was drawn to her immediately.

The simple dress did nothing to detract from her beauty. The simple necklace caught her eyes and made them sparkle like newly-discovered diamonds.


She clutched her S’mauggai bag in her hands and just looked at me.

“On second thought, I think I’ll take a cab,” I said.

“A cab?” the lawyer said. “I know I’m not the best driver in the world but surely I beat a cab?”