He leads me up the stairs. It’s a winding path, one that is as familiar to me as it is unfamiliar. It feels different tonight—the house is full of other people, full of memories andlife.It’s like we’d only ever been in showrooms before, in hotels. This is a home.

David opens his bedroom door, gesturing for me to walk inside, and it’s like it’s the first time I’ve ever seen it.

We fall into each other.

David’s hands are warm and gentle on me. He touches me with a tenderness that strikes me, like a hit in the chest. I tremble, and his grip tightens just enough to steady me.

“Are you okay?” he asks, his voice dipped low and soft.

My throat is tight. I place my hands on his, feeling the heat radiating from him. It’s comforting. Sometimes, when I look at David’s handsome face, I feel… Well, out of place. I feel young and inexperienced and anxious that he thinks that, too. It can feel overwhelming, to want something that I just know I can’t have.

But this?—

Well, this looks right to me. And private. Here, this is one thing I know works fine for us. This is one thing that I know we’re not fucking up.

My hands look right on David’s hands.

“You can tell me,” he murmurs.

“I want this,” I whisper. “Please, David?”

David’s eyes are soft and his lips are inviting. He kisses me, soft and slow.

“Anything,” he says, and it sounds like a promise.

I wrap my arms around his neck. He places a hand on my lower back and another on my hip. When he kisses me again, it starts as soft as before, but I quickly deepen it. I part my lips further, tongue brushing gently against his. I place my hand on his jaw, my thumb against his chin.

“David,” I murmur against his mouth.

“Laura,” he groans my name, and his touch becomes heavier. He twists his hips, just a little. It’s not quite grinding on me, but it’s close, and I feel hot all over.

“Bed,” I mutter.

I push against him, chest first. He lets himself be led backward until he hits the bed.

“First things first,” he says, pulling away a little. I frown in confusion but he just smiles and taps my shoulder. I tilt my head, and he chuckles softly under his breath.

“Turn around, honey,” he says, and my heart skips a beat. I turn around quickly, half to obey the instruction and half to hide my pinkening cheeks.

His hands touch my dress. I realize he’s undoing the laces.

I move my hair over one shoulder. David moves slowly, almost intimately, as he carefully undoes my dress.

When it falls and rests on my hips, he’s there. His hands grab the material and shimmy it down over my hips until it falls to the floor.

Earlier this evening, when I was getting dressed, Alice insisted on me wearing some of the new lingerie she’d picked out for me a few weeks ago. I’d protested, embarrassed, but now all I can think of is how grateful I am.

When I turn around, David takes one look at me and his breath stalls.

It makes me feel powerful. I can feel my spine straighten and my smile widens.

“Laura, you’re…” He trails off.

I bite my lip. “I know,” I joke, my voice light and airy.

“I don’t think you do,” he replies seriously. He slips his hand on my cheek, fingers pressing against my temple. I grab hold of his hand, and I lean into his touch.

“Then tell me,” I whisper. I’m sure I’m blushing, but I ignore it.