“So, David, what’s the rule? Yes on soda and sugar?” Alice interrupts. She shoots me a kind wink, and I mentally thank her. The kids begin to argue for why they deserve soda and sugar despite already being in pajamas.

“Fine, on your own head,” David eventually gives in. He throws his hands up and the three of them cheer. I laugh.

“You’re sure you’re good here?” David checks with Alice.

She rolls her eyes. “I can handle your perfectly polite children. Are you sureyou’regood?”

“Alice,” I sigh.

David just smiles, albeit a bit awkwardly, and then shrugs.

“Be nice,” I grumble under my breath. She makes a face but nods.

“Alright, kids,” David says. “Hugs for Dad.”

Angie and Benji hug their father and he makes them promise to behave. He triple-checks that Alice has both his and Jessi’s phone numbers—even after she reminds him that she obviouslyhas mine and Lewis’ and we’ll be with them—and then finally—finally—we’re on our way out the door.

“Sorry,” he apologizes as we close the front door behind us. “I know it’s a bit much?—”

“David,” I say, interrupting him. “They’re your kids. I don’t mind.”

He smiles at me, warm and genuine.

I stretch up on my tiptoes, hand on his arm, and?—

Stop myself.


I’d almost kissed him.

My eyes widen.

I’d almost?—

I’ve kissed him before, of course. But never alone, never purposefully, never?—

That was intimate. Romantic. Casual.

It was against the rules, even if I wasn’t one hundred percent sure I knew the rules.

I turn away, trying to school my face.

“Ready?” David asks, none the wiser. He gestures to the car.

I plaster a smile on my face and nod. When I look up, Damon is leaning against the car, watching us both. He’s got a look on his face like he knows that I’m hiding something. I smile at him, and the smile he shoots back is sympathetic.

“You both look nice,” he says politely.

David beams. “Doesn’t she?” he says, ignoring the compliment to himself.

I blush even redder. David grins and opens the door for me. As I slide in, I take a deep breath. I’vegotto get control over this crush.

Because that’s all this is.

That’s all this can be.