I stop and try not to give her a scowl.

“Look, David. Just—we know your kids are important to you?—”

“My kids are important to me?” I repeat incredulously.

“What she means,” Cheryl interrupts, giving Kathy a frown. “Is that the kids would probably love France! It’s an adventure. The company would pay for your ex’s relocation?—”

“She wouldn’t leave,” I say. I think of Lewis. Unbidden, I think of Laura. “She’s in a committed relationship. She wouldn’t want to just leave for two years.”

“Fifteen months,” Trevor corrects. “We’d heard rumors. Lewis Parker, right? He’s on track to becoming a fine member—he could easily be your number two there.”

I pause at this.

I don’t want to leave—but…

It would be a step up in Lewis’ career. A big one. And well…

Leaving would mean leaving Laura. The very fact that that seems like a terrible sacrifice probably means I ought to do it.

“I’ll think on this,” I tell them honestly. I stand up, and the board follows suit. “But plan your suggested contingencies in case we need them. You’re the board, yes, and I value your input,” my teeth grind as I say this. “But it’smyfirm.”

I leave the room finally.

The walk back to my office is a slow one.

Maybe it would be good to get out. Benji hates his school and while he has a good group of friends, they’ll be parting for high school next year anyway. Angie has been obsessed with France since her mom took her with her to Paris a few years ago. She would be pleased.

Jessi has her work, but she’s moved with me before and the work has translated easily. She would hardly mind working remotely and traveling on her own. Whether or not she’dwantto move is an entirely different story.

Lewis would be unlikely to get such another opportunity without several years of grunt work. He’s a good man. I’m not above admitting I got to where I am because of my family name. Is it wrong of me to deny another person their chance at a step up?

I’m so distracted walking back that I barely even notice that Benji is waiting outside my office door.

“Dad,” he calls.

I startle and turn to him. “Benj! Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, jeez.” He crosses his arms over his chest.

I frown. “Okay… sorry?”

“Can we just go inside your office?”

I have no idea why he’s here or why he has an attitude with me, but considering I was just talking about uprooting his entire life, I feel more charitable to his teenage angst than I normally do. I nod and gesture.

He walks in and at least is polite to Piper before throwing himself on the couch.

Piper gives me a look and I nod. She darts away and gestures as if she’s drinking. I nod, hoping that she means she’ll bring me coffee.

I sit next to Benji, waiting.

I glance at my watch. He would have had to come straight here from school.

“Angie?” I ask.

He nods his head towards the window. “Outside with Damon.”

I frown. “She didn’t want to come see me?”