“Nothing.” Lewis shakes his head. “I just?—”

He stops.

I heave an annoyed sigh. “What?”

“Nothing!” He laughs. “I just think… maybe I jumped to conclusions.”

My brows raise. “Huh?”

“David… hedoesseem smitten by you,” Lewis says.

My cheeks immediately flame. “I don’t think so,” I deny automatically before I remember I’m meant to be encouraging this.

“I mean it,” Lewis says, thankfully misinterpreting my denial.

“He’s… attentive.” That’s true, at least. He did pay attention a hell of a lot more than I thought he would.

“He likes you,” Lewis corrects. It stings a bit. “And, like, dude, it’s so fucking clear you like him, too.”

My jaw drops. “Is not!”

“Is too!”

“It is not, Lewis! I’m… I’m! I’m playing itveryclose to the chest!”

Lewis bursts into laughter.

I am so deeply offended.

“Look, oh sister of mine, you are lying to yourself.” And boy, does he have that right. “You are so far gone for that man, it’s actually a little sickening.”

I roll my eyes. “Oh, like you’re any better with Jessi.”

Lewis leans back in his chair, puffing his chest. “Hell yeah, I am. Jessi fucking rocks.”

I laugh. “Okay. She does.”

“David’s a good guy,” Lewis says. He lifts his coffee mug and sips it. “I think that’s why I was so surprised when you guys… well, you know. I thought, this isn’t the guy I know. But…”

He trails off.

I stomp a foot. “But what?”

“But, when you know, you know.”

My brother shrugs, and then looks over my head. He smiles, and I know they’re back before I even hear them.

I wonder if my smile to David looks as far gone as Lewis’ to Jessi.

“Sorry about that,” David says, and then he kisses my cheek.

It’s a fast motion—as he was sitting down, he leaned over and pressed his cold from the wind lips against my own.

My heart stutters.

When David moves to sit down, his eyes are wide and on mine.

It was an accident.