“Do you have any ideas?”

The ideas I’ve had are lackluster at best. I can’t figure out a way for us not to make anyone even a little bit tense in the next decade or so of birthday parties and graduations.

I never would have gotten involved with Laura if I had known who she really was.

This, in fact, is the exact reason why I don’t get involved with women in the first place—the messiness, the consequences.

That I must deal with thatandnot even have Laura… well, it certainly does put into perspective how royally I’ve fucked up my life.

But I can’t continue on that way. I can’t fuck things up more now that I know the truth of how intertwined we really are.

“We date,” she says.

My heart skips a beat.

“What?” I splutter.

She nods serenely. “We date. I think… two months. Three, maybe. Call it over by March. A good, college try. And then, we break up, amicably. We just… fade away from each other.”

I look at her, and everything in me hurts. “Not enough in common,” I suggest.

She nods, staring at her drink. “The age gap, maybe.”

“Your best friend hates me,” I continue.

She smirks. “Lewis would believe that one.”

“Well, it helps to sprinkle in some truth in a lie.”

Her expression falls a little. Mine does, too.

She clears her throat. “I want… boundaries, I suppose.”

I nod, waving a hand.

This—the negotiation, the consideration, the back and forth—is similar enough to work at the firm that I can feel us both relax a little. We know what it means to argue for what you want diplomatically and efficiently.

“No public declaration,” she says firmly, eyes on me. “Nothing that would make it seem like we’re… more serious than we are.”

I incline my head, considering.

“Not that we are pretending not to be serious,” she continues, brow furrowing. “But I mean… if we need to pull this back soon?—”

“No sayingI love you,” I interpret.

She nods.

I agree with this one easily enough.

I don’t know what the feeling in my chest is, so I decide to ignore it. Ignoring it, after all, is much, much easier than feeling it.

“No bonding with the children,” I tell her.

Her eyes widen, as if surprised.

“Be kind to them, of course. But… build your relationship with themafterthis. Not during.” I think it will be too confusing, especially for Angie. “Nothing parental.”

She pales and nods quickly.