“It’s not like that,” I defend. Lewis looks at me, unamused. “Seriously.”

“Okay, then what is it like?” he scoffs.

I look over at David. He’s grinning at the phone Jessi is holding up for him. Even Benjamin, who is still shooting me a few curious and suspicious glares, looks pleased. He seems like a good father, I think, from this one small interaction.

We just broke up,I think, as my heart hammers in my chest. I ignore the pain of that and focus instead on all the reasons that I wish we hadn’t.

“It’s like… When I’m around him, I feel… braver. I feel like being who I want to be is easy and that maybe who I want to be is who I already am. I feel seen. And I feel… safe, I guess.” My throat feels tight.

I look down, blushing. I really wish I had been lying, at least a little.

But it’s just the truth. Around David, I feel good.

Or I did until our fight.

“Laura,” Lewis bemoans. He sighs and shakes his head. “You are literally going to give Mom a heart attack.”

My head snaps up in alarm. “Well, don’t tell her!” I cry.

“Me!? You don’t tell her!” Lewis exclaims.

We stare at each other.

Slowly, with incredible trepidation, we both lift a hand. We shake on it.

“No one’s telling Mom,” he says seriously. “And I’m literally going to be in another country when you tell your dad.”

“Oh, great, now he’smydad.” I hadn’t even thought about my parents finding out.

Lewis looks over at David. “Are you sure… you’re serious about him?”

I bite my cheek again. I don’t want to lie.

“I’m serious about what I said,” I answer slowly, honestly. “I’m serious that I… I’m serious about how I feel about him. I’m serious that he makes me feel all those things.”

“Does he treat you well?” Lewis asks quietly.

“It’s too early to say.” I think about our fight. “I think things will change now that you guys know.”

“You tell me,” Lewis says, turning back to me. “If he does anything?—”

“He won’t,” I interrupt.

Lewis hums, considering. He folds his arms. “Jessi, babe.”

David and Jessi both look up. Jessi lifts her brows.

“Double date?” Lewis asks.

We all gasp.

Mine is certainly horror—Jessi’s is hard to interpret.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she says quickly. David opens his mouth—assumedly to protest—but Jessi’s narrowed eyes stop him. “David, stop it. We’re doing this.”

“I don’t have to answer to you anymore,” he says weakly.

Angie looks between them. “Daddy, you should listen to Mommy. She’ll put you in time out.”