“I wanted to talk about the other night?—”

“Let’s do it again.”

His jaw drops.

I think mine does, too.

“I—I—I didn’t think I was going to say that,” I stammer. His eyes are huge, round and surprised. I breathe as evenly as possible, which isn’t very even at all, and try again. “I mean. I… I think we should be professional about this.”

Mr. Donovan nods slowly. He looks confused.

I get that. I’m confused by me right now, too.

“I think you should try articulating yourself better, Miss James.”

His voice is rough, and technically, it should make me feel nervous and inferior since he’s my boss.

I press my knees together and try not to think about what itactuallymakes me feel.

“We’ve already… slipped,” I hedge. “And, well, sir, I think that the solution is simple. We deal with this like professionals, meaning that we separate it completely. It’s already happened, so I don’t see the need to pretend otherwise.”

These words are mine. They’re also Alice’s, more accurately, but Iwantthem to be mine. I want to be brave. I want to be willing to go for what I want, even if it’s not always the best idea.

He clears his throat. “And separating it entails…?”

“We respect the dynamic, sir.” I stand up. He does, too, and it makes my bloodsing.“I think if we’ve already slipped once, we’re likely to do it again. Why not face this head-on?”


“We call it what it is.” I take a deep breath. “A mutually beneficial arrangement. No emotions. No… relationship. And no letting it interfere with work.”

“We couldn’t let it do that,” he agrees quietly. He’s on the side of his desk now. He’s inching towards me, so slowly I can barely see him do it. I realize I’m doing it, too.

“I value my job,” I say. “I don’t want to risk it. I don’t want to risk anyone thinking I’m getting ahead because of this. No special treatment.”

“And you can change your mind anytime,” he adds quickly. “I’ll transfer your team’s reporting to a junior partner rather than myself. No consequences.”

“No consequences,” I agree.

He’s close enough to touch now.

I lift a hand and then hesitate. He nods once, sharp and sudden. It’s almost as if he expects it to be painful.

I press my hand to his chest. I feel his rapid pulse beneath my palm.

“Should we shake on it?” I joke softly.

His eyes are bright and flashing. He smiles. It makes my brain feel fuzzy.

“I have a better idea.”

He presses his mouth to mine, perfectly soft.

Sealing the deal, David and I kiss.

