“More than okay,” Laura murmurs. “But…”

I freeze, ready to flee.

“I’m not doing this because of who you are. This isn’t about work. That’s separate, got it?”

Relief floods me. I nod, and then she throws her arms around my neck, using my shoulders to get the momentum under herlegs that she needs to press hard against my front. Despite how innocent this interaction was until now, despite my age, despite this and that and everything in between, my body is already reacting.

“Laura,” I say. It comes out in a strangled way, like her name was too sweet, too thick like honey, to get out easily. My hands fall to her waist, squeezing at the soft roll of her there, and she feels so good, even through the material of her thin dress, that I know I won’t make it long with her.

We haven’t even kissed—I need to slow down. It’s impossible to slow down when Laura’s hands flatten against the nape of my neck and her fingernails drag impossible goosebumps down my skin as she scratches at my head softly.

“David,” she says. Her eyes lock on mine. Her eyes are almost closed, the dark black of her pupil swelled enough to hide most of the stormy gray color I’ve grown to adore.

Her lips are parted. The gloss she’s wearing tonight makes them red and slick, like I’ve already licked and bit and played with them, and it makes me grow warmer and warmer in my skin to see.

“David,” she repeats, and my eyes snap to attention away from her lips. “Kiss me now.”

I don’t need to be told twice.

I crowd against Laura, pushing gently where I hold her hips, and when she’s against the wall, I cover her body with mine. Laura gasps, those pretty red lips wide for just a moment, and that’s all I need. I kiss her, and Laura moans against my mouth. The sound reverberates in my throat. I swallow it and think that I would swallow all of Laura if she let me.

My hands drop to the side of her legs, where her dress rides up just a little. The feeling of skin on skin is enough to send my mind into a frenzy. I feel crazed—I feel drunk.

I only had two drinks, hardly enough to give a man of my size and tolerance a buzz. But then Laura’s tongue slips into my mouth, warm and intentional, and I feel like I’ve taken a dozen shots.

I slide my hands up her thighs, pushing her dress farther and farther up until her hips dip and the thin string of her panties is touchable. I slip two fingers on each side up between her skin and the fabric, and my cock twitches hard in my slacks.

“Oh!” she gasps, the sound muffled against my mouth. It makes me want to hear her, to know what soft sounds she’s making, and I take advantage of her surprise by moving my kisses.

I trail my mouth across her jaw, down underneath where the skin becomes soft. I kiss her neck and her throat, gently kissing the soft skin behind her lobes. Her earring presses against my skin. Her breasts push against my chest.

“David,” she says, fingers tightening in my hair. “David.”

I lift my head, catching her eyes. They’re soft and slitted, focused entirely on me. That heat comes back.

The moment breaks.

Two girls leave the unisex bathroom, glancing at us and giggling. I freeze, and Laura watches them with reddening cheeks.

“Should I…?” I trail off. Laura watches them go, but she keeps her fingernails digging into my shoulders—keeping me there.

“In there,” she says once the hallway is clear.

It takes me a moment, but once my lust-laden brain catches up, I’m moving as fast as I can. Laura’s weight feels like nothing in my arms—possibly because of my working out, but more likely because the arousal in my veins is doubling as adrenaline.

Once inside the wide bathroom, I kick the door shut. The sink’s counter is long and mostly dry. It looks clean enough. I deposit Laura onto it and then lock the door.

“Are you sure?” I question.

Laura leans back, her hair mussed and her lips swollen. She lets her eyes fall to the floor and then slowly drags them back up to me. I feel her gaze like a real, physical touch.

“Yeah,” she breathes. Then her incredible mouth twists into a smile. “Yeah, I’m sure.”

That’s more than enough.

I’m unbuttoning my slacks as I walk towards her, and Laura shimmies in her seat until she can get her panties down. She grabs them in one hand, and she holds my tie with the other. Dragging me closer as I stumble towards her, Laura slips her panties into my front slack pockets.

“To keep them safe,” she explains, and I grow harder in my pants than I was before.