I smile as I pull the covers over myself.

I can’t say that there hasn’t been a remarkable change since I met Jayden, and because of that, I feel a sense of renewed hope.

Maybe something can actually be born out of this. Maybe he isn't so bad, after all. No risk, no reward, right?

My thoughts turn to the morning light that caresses the room, and I find myself gazing at the view beyond the window, contemplating the path we are embarking upon.

It’s a moment of serenity, contrasting with the professional world we have navigated together in the past months.

Then the tranquil atmosphere is punctuated by the unmistakable sound of the shower turning on in the adjacent bathroom.

My heart quickens as I hear the water cascading from the shower head. The thought of him behind the frosted glass door, concealed from view yet tantalizingly close, sends a rush of anticipation through me.

I can't help but wonder if I should do something sexy, like take off his shirt that I slept in and step into the shower with him, or if I should just lay in bed and wait for him to get out.

I can't imagine which he would find sexier. Probably the former.

As I try to push the covers away to execute my mission, his phone beeps on his side of the bed. I ignore it and proceed to unbutton my shirt, but the beeping becomes incessant, and that is surprising for someone like Jayden.

Maybe it’s just work, but usually, that goes through me.

Driven by innocent curiosity about Jayden’s life outside the office, I reach for his phone and unlock the screen.

Simple man. No passcode required.

I stumble upon a series of text messages that pique my interest. My eyes scan the conversation, revealing a thread of messages between Jayden, Mark, and Troy.

My initial intrigue gives way to a surge of disbelief and discomfort as I continue reading the text messages. To my shock, the messages between Jayden and his friends outline a bet that involves a rather invasive and deeply personal objective–getting me into his bed.

My heart sinks, and a mix of emotions swirls within me–confusion, anger, and a sense of betrayal. How could Jayden stoop so low to do this to me?

What have I ever done to deserve him lying to my face about his feelings for me when his true intentions are revealed on this screen?

It has all been a lie. The connection, the gifts, the sex. Maybe his mother didn't cheat on his dad and that was just one of his techniques too.

Every moment I have shared with Jayden has been based on a wager between him and his friends.

As I process these unsettling thoughts, I’m jolted back to the present by the sound of the shower turning off. The steady stream of water comes to a halt, leaving the room in an eerie silence.

My heart races, knowing that Jayden will emerge from the bathroom any second. But I still sit there with his phone in my hand.

In this moment, the atmosphere in the room feels charged with tension, a stark contrast to the intimacy we shared yesterday. I wonder how my feelings for Jayden would have been influenced by this bet if I had let it progress into something exclusive.

The minutes tick away in agonizing slowness as he dries and gets dressed. Every noise serves as a reminder of the complex emotions that have been stirred up by my discovery.

I’m filled with a sense of unease, the anticipation of the impending conversation that needs to happen between us and the uncertainty of what lies ahead in our personal and professional relationship.

The moment Jayden opens the bathroom door, I’m already poised for the conversation.

As he steps out of the bathroom, completely oblivious to the situation, he approaches me with a warm smile, the after-shower freshness and a hint of vulnerability in his eyes.

“Good morning,” he says in a tender tone and plants a kiss on my cheek.

“Morning,” I reply, struggling to maintain my composure.

The room is charged with unspoken tension, and I know I have to say something.

Taking a deep breath, I continue, “I couldn't help but see some text messages on your phone. They… They mentioned a bet about me.”