“Carissa, I’m sorry about that, but that doesn't mean you should deny yourself an opportunity at happiness,” he finally lets out.


Happiness is going to say yes to your wedding dress with your entire family because you are about to marry your best friend.

But all of that is taken away when your fiancé doesn't show up, causing you the biggest embarrassment and ruining what should be the best day of your life.

Then you start thinking logically, even if a 9-inch penis is stuck in your vagina.

“You know, you never told me why you treated me the way you did when I first started working for you, and I never got a real apology for that,” I say, watching his countenance for a reaction.

“It was all new to me, okay?” He shrugs. “I didn't know how best to deal with the situation. I have never been with or around anyone I have had sex with outside of the bedroom. I was so surprised by you.”

How can he be if his face was stone-cold and expressionless when he saw me?

“I apologize for that behavior. I was just reacting to something new,” he adds.

“That’s it. With us, I can’t truly be secure, and that’s honestly what I need.” I try to let him down without hurting his feelings.

“I honestly don't seek to build anything serious from what transpired between you and I that night and I think it’s best if we let it be,”

It hurts me to reject him, especially because I feel so strongly for him.

The slow nodding of his head in response only makes me feel worse.

But that’s what seems like the best thing right now.

Better to let it go than cry about it later.

“So, you’re not even going to take a chance to think about it?”

“I’ve already made up my mind,” I answer.

That's not true, but he needs to know persistence will get him nowhere.

He takes both my hands into his and the needles in my left arm sting a bit.

“It’s okay. I want to assure you, though, that I won’t stop trying.”

My heart leaps from hearing that from him, but they’re just words, and they don't mean anything until they have been acted out.

“I won’t pressure you into anything.”

“I thought you would judge me for that,” I answer, clutching my bouquet tightly.

“It's not my place, and you are well within your rights.”

He eases next to me on the bed so that I can lay in his arms, and that’s the last I remember until I am woken up by the slight discomfort of a fresh needle piercing my skin.

He sits on the only chair in the room, nodding off in deep sleep.

“Please wake him up and have him go home.” I gesture to the nurse in the room.

“I can be here with you,” he responds once awake.

“Jayden, your neck will hurt so much in the morning if you don’t get home,” I say, genuinely concerned about him.

“Will you be okay? Will anyone be here?” he asks as he stretches, revealing his full length and biceps.