I try my best to keep up, nodding and offering the occasional smile, but I can’t escape the feeling that I’m out of my depth.

“…and new girl, good luck. You’ll need all of it,” Lydia says, gesturing to me.

The others nod and murmur in agreement.

It’s obvious that she’s the company’s top girl.

I see the way most of the other girls suck up to her, and it’s only my first day.

“Working as the boss’ assistant, I hope you’re mentally and physically prepared?” Claire chimes in.

“Is he mean?” I ask while the others laugh at my oblivion.

“We don't know. You’ll have to report back to us on that,” Lydia says, and she quickly changes to beauty and fashion.

My heart sinks and I don't know if I can make it past lunchtime already.

Chapter four


Ican’t say that I wasn't taken by surprise when I saw Carissa’s face.

As a matter of fact, my heart sank.

How the hell did I end up here?

I’ve never had to meet with any of the other women I have had a thing with in the past. It has never happened.

After an encounter, I like to simply move on to the next.

No time for a repeat. In fact, women have become really boring to me. They’re an excruciating pain in the ass after I’ve had them the first time.

Why deal with it if there are billions of women scattered on earth, and I can have whichever one I chose to have?

But here is Carissa.

Not only is she working in my company, but she’s also my assistant.

I can’t, the night before was a good one. No amount of good can make me change my principle, though.

I need to figure out a way to never see her again.

She only just started working here, so I can’t exactly fire her right now.

I mean, I can, but I won't.

I need to come up with a plan.

As I watch her around the office, the only thing I can think about is her slender waist, adorned with subtle curves that give way to hips that sway like poetry in motion.

I still remember the sound of her moan and the look on her face with every thrust.

This is something I wouldn't have to worry about if she wasn't all over the place and in my full view.

As much as I hate to do it, the only thing that seems feasible is to frustrate her until she quits.

I don’t need this distraction right now.