Page 52 of Off-Limit CEO

"Thank God they're alive," Drew said, and I hummed in affirmation. Normally, we wouldn't even be allowed to be here, but being a very influential man, I was able to make it happen. Why? Because I wished to see the look on that psychopath's face when he realized I got him, but he failed to get me.

"Chief!" I called, and Doone turned to see me. He had been talking to Coen.

"Ah, yes. These are the men I must thank for finally getting you," Chief Doone said while pointing his hand in my direction as I walked closer. Ethan looked stunned, and his face crumpled into a furious expression.

"No way in Hell you got a warrant for my arrest," he continued in his delusion. "You guys don't have anything on me."

“The guy you thought was still in a coma. The one who rammed into me? He woke up a couple of days ago,” I revealed to him and reveled in the shock on his face. “The police continued saying he hadn’t woken up while they got him to talk in exchange for immunity.”

“Catching you is a pretty big deal for us, Coen,” Doone added with a smirk. “We were more than happy to grant immunity from charges. Especially when you threatened him into almost killing himself even though you did pay him. That was supposed to take care of his family if he died, right? Since you were threatening them, the bribe alternative looked better."

Coen remained silent, looking away.

"Don't worry, you can save the rest for when we get to the station. We have all we need anyways," the Chief boasted.

I went closer to him. "Look at me, you sick son of a bitch." The Policeman holding his handcuffed hands from behind pushed him to face me. "You came after me, almost ended my life, and took me away from the people I cared about forever… all for money? You already had money and influence. That just means you're an innately avaricious psycho who has little to no regard for human life. People like you shouldn't be allowed to roam free. After we send you to prison, I hope you spend every day remembering that it was I who ended you." I let every word simmer and last so that it hits home with him. Moving away from him, I got out of the Police's way as they took him to the cop car.

"At least this part can end," I said to Drew. “Now, I have to focus on my daughter.” Even after all I’d been through this past month, nothing scared me more than my daughter’s surgery.

Chapter twenty

Maryam Carey’s POV

As I prepared to leave for the Hospital, I washed my face in my bathroom. Today was D-Day. Maddy would finally have her surgery and say goodbye to the endless ailments poisoning her life so far. I got happy for her but also tempered that with the knowledge of something bad possibly happening.

I immediately had my mouth flooded with liquids from inside my stomach. Thank God I already stood next to the toilet. Quickly opening the toilet seat, I vomited, coughing repeatedly after pouring strange liquid into the toilet.

"What the hell?"

On further inspection, I froze. Fuck. Oh, shit. I knew what this meant, but I didn't want to say it out loud because that would somewhat make it more real.

"Oh, fuck fuck fuck!" Why now of all times? Terrible timing. Getting pregnant when Ron was preoccupied with his daughter? I had to wait until after the surgery and Maddy was fine before telling him.

"Shit. One thing after another." My body felt heavier recently, and I never understood why. I also started feeling nauseous yesterday. Now, I knew the root cause.

"I'm having a kid," I spoke right at the mirror in front of me after washing my face and mouth, my stunned reaction staring back at me.

“You’re okay, right?” Ron said to Maddy, the look of trepidation visible on his face. His hands were on her shoulders.

“Y-yes,” Maryam stuttered.

“Please don’t sound nervous. I might die. I need you to be strong for me, ‘cos I won’t be there to protect you when you’re in surgery,” Ron said with nervous laughter.

“Hey, Maddy," I stepped in because he clearly needed help with this. "I just need you to relax, okay? You're gonna be fine. The moment you wake up, we'll be there to keep you company. The doctors will just put you to sleep and you'll wake up better than ever."

"What if I sleep and never wake up?" Jeez, that's dark, but I understood Maddy's fear. Stealing a glance at Ron, I thought about how to reply to her.

"That won't happen, okay? You must think positive, remember?"

Maddy managed to smile. "Positive. Okay… think positive."

"Positive always."

Dr. Grey came and that meant the time had come. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, taking one more look at Maddy before she went to the operating table.

"It's time." The doctor said, but Ron wouldn't let go. His hands still firmly held onto her shoulders.

"Dad," Maddy placed her hand on his. She seemed to be taking it better than him as he looked so devastated.