“So, what do we do? Walk through?”

“Yeah. They have cars to rent if we need one. Base does grow bigger every day. I think Henry said they recently finished building a movie theater.”

“And nothing dangerous ever gets in?”

He scoffed. “I thought you loved monsters. You said so yourself, they're not much different from us.”

With a sigh, I shuffled in my seat. “Yeah, I mean the ones who we know won't harm us. Just like humans, creatures have bad mixed in with their kind too and there's nothing separating them from the rest.”

He let out a stifled groan. “No, worrywart. Nothing dangerous ever gets on base. Some monsters who still aren't civilized enough to be in our world sometimes use the amenities, but they’re constantly being monitored.”

“Yeah, that doesn't sound promising.”

He smiled at me and pulled up in front of an empty looking building. “You're going to be fine. We both are. Now relax and let's go have some fun.”

Parking in front, Edgar turned off the car and reached into the back seat for his bag. Neither of us spoke as we walked through the building and signed our names on the clipboard one of the guards was holding. We were waved through once done and Edgar stayed ahead of me until we reached the base. I never stopped searching around me. Gates were wrapped around us, but it didn't stop large bugs from hopping through the bars. Two heading my way forced me to quicken my steps. They were covered in colorfully spots and had large, clear wings.

A laugh bubbled out of Edgar as he wrapped an arm around me. “We're almost there.” He pointed at the guards and gesturedfor me to take out my ID for them to scan it. We were waved through again and Edgar was right. The base appeared to be safe, with large brick walls wrapped around everything. There were buildings, houses, and structures just like ours.

“There's our ride, right there.” He rushed toward a blue car with a purple hand sticking out of it, who I assumed to be Henry.

“Is this your friend we're crashing with?”

“Yup. They have a guest room and it's all yours. I'll be sleeping in Henry's.” He shot me a wink before opening the passenger door and climbing inside.

I jumped in the back and had to suffer through lots of PDA on our way there. Not the PG kind either. It didn't matter how many times Henry swatted Edgar’s hand away, his heart eyes and smiling only made the giant horn-dog do it more.

I had to refrain from rolling my eyes the whole drive. Luckily it was short, and I was able to block them out most of the time by shoving my earbuds in my ears.

Edgar jumped out of the car first when we arrived in front of a yellow house with a wrap-around porch. We followed suit, walking up the narrow sidewalk leading to the porch steps. This was nothing like the base housing I'd seen in our world. These houses were all cute and colorful with perfectly manicured lawns. I was pretty sure they were nicer than mine.

Inside appeared bigger than the outside, and Henry wasted no time showing me where I'd be staying.

“Go ahead and get settled. Have a warm shower. Unpack your bags and unwind. We'll have dinner at five. Tania should be home by then too,” Henry said, his voice going high pitched when Edgar grabbed his ass.

“Yeah, cool. Thanks. You two go have fun. I'll be alright.”

They wasted no time taking off down the hall with Henry's high-pitched laughter trailing behind them. A door slammed closed, and I pushed mine shut before I flopped down on thebed, kicking my shoes off. My phone went off in my pocket, but I didn't expect the notification that waited for me.

It was from the Monster Match app, from someone within ten miles of me. He didn't have a picture and said they were only given upon request.

Pieces of me: Hi. It's not often I see new humans in the area.

Me: Hi. Yeah, it's my first time.

Pieces of me: You here for business or pleasure?

Me: Business. At least for now.

Pieces of me: I like the last answer. How long you here for?

Me: A week at most. It says you're close by. Are you on base?

Pieces of me: Yes. But I don't live here. I'm on base for business and pleasure too.

Me: I see. What kind of business?

Pieces of me: I think we should leave something for us to talk about on our first date, don't you?