“Because of the many people you're made up of?”
I nodded and reached for my water as soon as the waiter set two cups down. “You two still need more time?”
I answered before Franky could. “Can we just get a large pepperoni with hamburger meat and extra cheese?”
Franky eyed me curiously as the waiter nodded and wrote it down in his notepad. “Of course. I'll get that order put in for you. Let me know if I can get you anything else.”
“Will do,” Franky said, looking back at me as soon as the waiter took off to the kitchen.
“How'd you know what to ask for?”
“I looked on the computer yesterday while chatting with you. I wanted to see my options ahead of time.”
“That's a good idea. Speeds things along.”
“Yeah, except I got distracted and we ended up waiting for him to come back a second time anyway.”
“That's okay. Helps build an even bigger appetite. Want something to drink instead of water?”
I shrugged, biting on my straw. “I don't know. Maybe later. Last time I had a sugary drink, it filled me up before my food came.”
“Yeah, that can happen. Especially when you're not too used to having so much sugar.”
“Yeah. Sometimes this really nice human, Danni, who invented the Monster Match app, would bring me a few sugary treats during his base visits. He never wanted anything in exchange, but I gave him anti-aging mud anyway.”
“You met the creator of Monster Match?”
“Yeah. He comes here to take pictures for the app sometimes.”
“That's cool. He lives in a different town from me, so I've never seen him in person. He seems really nice though.”
“He is, but I'm usually pretty quiet around him. I think we might be starting to be friends, and I don't want to scare him away.”
“You won't. Nova, nothing about you is scary. I promise. Anyone who thinks so doesn't matter. I can promise you all the right people will never run from you.”
“Are you one of those people?”
“Maybe.” He smiled. “I am pretty happy where I am right now.”
“Me too.” My skin tingled. “We can stop holding hands if you want. We only agreed on thirty minutes.”
His lips pursed and he kept his hand where it was. “Oh shoot. I didn't keep track again. Did you?”
I shook my head. “I thought you were going to.”
He huffs out a breath. “I guess we'll have to start over then.” His lips formed into a grin. “I'd hate to cheat you on our deal. So, better to be safe than sorry.”
“Okay.” I wasn't going to argue. If he wanted to continue holding my hand, then I was going to let him. Maybe I could distract him from the movie so much tomorrow that he'd keep starting it over and hold me longer. A guy could dream. Wait . . . would he still see me tomorrow? He had agreed beforehand, and he said he didn't want to cheat me on our deal.
The pizza came before either of us could speak again and it was really difficult to eat one-handed. My disappointment was short lived when I took my first bite and cheese dripped down my throat. Franky laughed at me getting sauce all over my face, and at what a loud eater I was. He was so proper and careful as he brought his food to his mouth. I was mesmerized each time his lips wrapped around his food.
“You want dessert after this? There's a bakery inside the grocery store.”
“Sure. They have cake there, right?”
“You've never been inside?”
“No.” I watched him dab his mouth with a piece of cloth and did the same. “What are these called again?”