‘There you are, Grams,’ Nolan said as he entered the lounge and placed a kiss on her cheek before going to the fireplace. He stood there, warming his hands. ‘It’s absolutely freezing out now. The sky is clear and the stars look amazing but goodness me, it’s chilly.’ He turned his back to the fire, so he was facing them. ‘What have you two been up to?’

‘We had a delicious dinner,’ Brooke said. ‘Your grandmother is a wonderful cook.’

‘I know, right?’ he said, smiling. ‘I’m fortunate to eat here regularly.’

‘Nolan’s not a bad cook either,’ Clover said.

‘Only because I learnt from the best, Grams.’ He grinned at Clover, and she chuckled.

‘Would you like a drink, Nolan?’ she asked.

‘I’d love one but I’ll get it.’ He rubbed his hands again.

‘No, no! You stay there and warm up and I’ll be right back.’ Clover got up and held out her hand. ‘Would you like another, Brooke?’

‘Oh, no thanks. I’ll be up all night if I have more coffee.’

‘No problem.’ Clover inclined her head, then she went to the kitchen, happy to give the two younger people a few moments alone.

Chapter 20


Brooke stared at her hands while Nolan turned around again in front of the fire, clearly trying to warm up evenly.

‘Were you walking?’ she asked, looking up at him.

‘I had a meeting with the family of a teenager I’ve been working with and then I walked home. It was at the far end of the village, but I went the long way to get some air. After work I like to decompress, and I find walking helps.’

‘I like walking too. No dates for Valentine’s Day then?’ she asked then groaned inwardly. Why had she asked that when it was obvious that he didn’t? Because she wanted to hear him say it?

‘No date for me.’ He shook his head, not looking at all disappointed about it. ‘Can’t be bothered with all that, really. Not that I haven’t dated in the past but it’s all so complicated now, right? I have friends who’re married, some who’re single and others who use dating apps and as far as I can see, dating is a minefield. The stress people go through trying to figure out if someone likes them, if they’re going at the right pace or if their date is stringing them along or not… Well, it’s stress I don’t fancy at all.’

‘I don’t blame you.’ Brooke exhaled slowly. ‘I was with my husband for years and before that I only had a few dates so I wouldn’t know where to start. Not that I want to date. I mean … I don’t know if I ever will now, but I do understand what you mean about it being a minefield. I don’t think I could cope with online dating actually.’ She shuddered.

‘Whatever happened to meeting someone organically, right?’ He shook his head.

‘Exactly that. Although, I suspect it’s because technology plays such an important part in our lives now. And with people working long hours and working from home, it’s harder to meet someone these days.’

‘There’s a lot of pressure on youngsters, that’s for sure.’

‘The poor things.’ Brook sighed. She didn’t want to date again and couldn’t imagine signing up to a dating website, but she knew of plenty of people who’d found love that way. It would just make her too nervous and awkward. Besides which, she knew she’d compare everyone she met to Aidan, and that simply wasn’t fair.

After Nolan had drunk his coffee and filled his grandmother in about his day, he stood up and stretched. ‘I guess I should be getting back. Early start tomorrow.’

‘What’s tomorrow?’ Clover asked him.

‘I’m leading a rugby training session with some of the lads. They’ve expressed an interest in training before college so I’m going to take them out and get them running around a bit. See if I can get them enthusiastic about it.’ He gave a lopsided grin. ‘Worth a try, right?’

‘I think that’s an excellent idea.’ Clover nodded.

‘I should get going too,’ Brooke said, standing and straightening her jumper. ‘I need to get back for Allegra.’

They walked to the door and Clover said, ‘Why don’t you walk Brooke home, Nolan? Make sure she gets there safe.’

‘Of course,’ he said.

‘There’s no need for that,’ Brooke said, feeling suddenly awkward.