On the way there, it was impossible to miss the couples making their way to their evening venues and something inside her fluttered uneasily. She’d seen the signs recently in shop windows and on TV, had received emails about cards and gifts she should buy and had cried a bit when the radio DJ had played some love songs that morning while she was working. But it was life, she’d told herself, and Valentine’s Day would come around every year. It would always be harder if you’d celebrated it with your partner and if you thought it was important. During her early years with Aidan, Brooke had made an effort for Valentine’s Day but as the years had passed, they’d agreed that it was more important to celebrate their love throughout the year. Aidan often brought flowers home for her, or had them sent to her when he was away on tour, and she made him special dinners or bought him things she knew he’d like. Romance didn’t need to be a one day a year thing but should, they’d agreed, be something they celebrated regularly. She was glad of that now because it had meant that they’d had many special times and had not restricted themselves to one day.

When she reached Clover’s, she let herself in through the front gate and went up to the door and rang the bell. She heard it echo through the large hallway and saw a shadow behind the frosted glass. Clover opened the door with a smile, flour on her cheeks and a striped apron covering her clothes.

‘Hello and happy Valentine’s Day!’ Clover opened her arms then embraced Brooke, smelling of lavender, fabric softener and baking. ‘Come on in.’

Clover took Brooke’s coat and draped it over the banister, then she appraised her.

‘My, my, Brooke, don’t you look fabulous? A little thin still so you don’t have much there to fight the germs off but we’ll soon feed you up.’

Brooke ran a hand over her dress self-consciously. She had noticed that she was thinner than she used to be, of course she had, but since she’d come to the village she’d managed to put a few pounds back on.

‘I’m trying to eat more,’ Brooke said. ‘And every time I come to The Pottery Shack you feed me cakes and hot chocolates or those delicious frothy coffees so I’m sure it will come.’

Clover laughed. ‘I’m just looking out for you.’

‘I know and I’m very grateful.’ Brooke opened her bag and brought out a small parcel that she held out. ‘This is for you.’

‘Ooh! What is it?’

‘Open it and see.’

‘Come on through to the kitchen and I will do. I’ve opened some wine so you can have a glass and tell me how Ethan’s getting along with the renovations.’

In the kitchen, Clover gestured at the open bottle of wine on the table and Brooke poured two glasses then took a seat while Clover opened her present.

‘How lovely,’ Clover said as she held the blue and green sun catcher up. When Brooke was looking for a thank you gift for Clover, she had thought how pretty the sun catcher was, reminding her of the sky and the fields. ‘I shall find a perfect spot for it later on.’ She placed the sun catcher carefully on the dresser near the doorway, then opened the small card that had been wrapped with it.

On the card were two hares sitting in a field gazing at the sunrise. Inside, Brooke had written:

To my dear friend Clover,

Thank you for all you have done for me.

Friends truly are the family we choose for ourselves.

Love always,

Brooke xxx

Clover closed the card and set it down with the sun catcher, then she placed a hand over her chest and took a shaky breath.

‘Clover? Are you all right?’

Clover nodded her head but didn’t look up, so Brooke pushed back her chair and went to her friend.


She wrapped an arm around Clover’s shoulders and found that she was trembling.

‘I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.’

Clover shook her head. ‘Good … tears.’ She sniffed, then pulled a tissue from her apron and dabbed at her eyes behind her glasses. ‘You really moved me with that beautiful card and gift. You are a darling girl, you know?’

Brooke’s throat constricted, and she shook her head, then pulled Clover into a hug. ‘No, you are.’

They both started to laugh then, and continued until the tears running down their cheeks were tears of mirth.

Chapter 19